To roses and foxes, to stars and wheat fields

Elroy 2022-01-03 08:02:00

The movie didn't make the case of the little prince in my heart.

The story of the little prince is too simplistic, it omits many moving things in the original book. The thorns of the roses, the warnings and blessings of the fox, the color of the wheat fields, the disputes with the pilots, all kinds of adults... these are all too important. The little prince has been missing his roses since he left. He shouted to Konggu: I am lonely, Konggu replied, and he argued with the pilot: If I lose my rose on a certain star, then the sky will be full. The stars will be eclipsed. Doesn’t it matter? He cried loudly in the rose garden: it turns out that my rose is not unique. Then the fox let him know that the time you spend on the rose makes the rose so precious.

Then the fox said that the real thing is invisible to the naked eye, the author said in a sentence in the whole book. In the film, it was downplayed into a thin line.

What impressed me the most, the fox said: You gave me the color of the wheat field. This is so beautiful, I have been looking forward to this sentence, but unfortunately there is a wheat field lens, but there is no such sentence.

There are drunks, physicists, lamplighters, and the mighty army of these people on earth. And that poisonous snake that can solve all mysteries.

Such a good story can be very profound in a simple way.

The departure of the little prince is a perfect fairy tale metaphor. I don’t understand why a grown-up little prince is found and then awakened from numbness, thinking of childhood. I don't understand why a pilot who has not forgotten his childhood must be an old naughty boy. I haven't forgotten the little prince's pilot, why can't he be a vicissitudes of life.

It satirizes the adult's solidified thinking according to the original work, but its own solidified thinking is everywhere. The entry point for stressed children is even narrower and worse.

Why do we have to realize the problem of adults in order to insinuate the problem of education and the pressure of society. Wouldn't you become an adult without these adults? Why should all the adults become a face, let them stand on the opposite side of the little girl.

I agree that the little girl should balance the story from the beginning to the end. I disagree that she is the protagonist of the story. The content of the little prince is not intended to solve children's problems. Such a perspective can only express one-tenth of the content of the story. When the little girl's plane arrived on the merchant's planet, she had already broken a barrier and collapsed the whole story. Finally, I went to find roses and turned into Leifeng. I was speechless when I saw this. If I can return to the planet in this simple way, what do I want the snake to do.

It seems that animation must create a villain. Then go to defeat him and you can end with HE. Merchants collecting stars to generate electricity is even more simple and rude. This completely distorted the author's intention to go in a strange direction. They are not bad people, but ordinary people whom the author finds absurd and pitying, they are every ordinary adult. The author exaggeratedly portrayed a symbolized personality, they have forgotten the past. They keep counting and using numbers to prove how many stars they own. They keep toiling to have empty numbers, but what they really own is when they look up at the stars and know that there is a flower of their own in a certain star, a friend . For example, how the little fox has the color of the wheat field. Really precious things are invisible to the naked eye.

This is what the author repeatedly wants to express.

I'm sorry I only saw your beauty and arrogance, but didn't see that you love me; I'm also sorry that I gradually learned that I love you in nostalgia after leaving.

The essence can only be seen by heart.

In the film, under a little girl who is making noises, this core is so weakened that it is almost invisible.

And the reason why every time I read the book of the little prince is very sad, because if the stars in the sky can make you feel healed, then the rose must not be by your side. I think this is a story of loss from beginning to end. From this point of view, the plot of the little girl trying to find the little prince for the pilot, or finally reuniting with the old man, has no meaning at all. Especially to find the little prince is really a failure in various senses.

From this point of view to me, the film split into two stories.

Generally speaking, the visual effect is very good, but the plot falls apart and I don’t know the so-called. The story is made up, and the little prince’s dubbing makes me appear frequently, and the big-eyed look in the end makes me cry. As a little prince fan for many years, I just want to bring a dog when I see it.

But even in the part that fits the original, I still cried like a dog.

Finally, where did the little prince go.

I once played a game. It was a fairy tale. The body of the little princess of the king died. She woke up in a dream. She drew a sword at the altar and walked through the realm of darkness. Through numerous levels, eradicate the dark forces headed by the queen, and return to reality through a mirror. The king is dead, and the country cursed by the queen will soon be flooded. In order to save them, the little princess leads everyone to the world on the other side of the mirror. In the end, she became the queen of the new world, and all her subjects continued to live steadily.

A lot of fairy tales have a very good ending, but they are especially sad.

The color of the wheat field and the stars in the sky are so beautiful, all because of nostalgia. The little prince returned to his planet, and the pilot never returned.

No follow-up is really needed.

I like the ending of Spirited Away. Xiaobai didn't follow Spirited Away. They separated in the wilderness, one watching and the other afraid to look back. When they came, the hole in the field of vision became smaller and smaller, and adults could understand it.

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Extended Reading
  • Kristian 2022-04-01 09:01:08

    The English version of the trailer with the mediocre and boring dubbing minus one star is much better. Btw, I don't like the idea that the original book divides the adult and children's world into binary. There are also many kind and beautiful children in the adult world. The world has never been 100% pure and fair.

  • Arielle 2022-04-01 09:01:08

    Can't understand so annoying. The scary thing is not growing up but forgetting, and I seem to have forgotten all about it.

The Little Prince quotes

  • [first lines]

    The Aviator: [narrating] Once, when I was six years old, I read a book about the primeval forest. The book said, "Boa constrictors swallow their prey whole, without chewing it."

    [makes ravaging and shallowing sounds]

    The Aviator: I pondered this deeply. And then, I did my first drawing. I showed my masterpiece to grown-ups and asked if the drawing frightened them.

    Grown-up: Frightened? Why should anyone be frightened of a hat?

    The Aviator: Grown-ups. They never understand anything by themselves.

  • The Aviator: [to the little girl upon being pulled over] Do you have a driver's license?

    The Little Girl: No.

    The Aviator: A learner's permit?

    The Little Girl: No.

    The Aviator: How old are you?