if you think it hurts

Idella 2022-04-23 07:02:06

This movie, directed by Spielberg, is really touching. The director portrays the fate of a woman and exposes the background of the era of black people in the place of American society at that time.

But I thought if it was another film documenting and reflecting the oppression of black people, then what's the point? In line with the characteristic meaning conveyed to the modern audience, understanding the entire background of the era in 1983 may be able to deeply understand the director's purpose.

But I personally don't like this kind of movie that puts the pain on the table. Only commercial movies can reveal people's scars and say things.

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Extended Reading

The Color Purple quotes

  • Shug: [after telling Albert that she and her husband are leaving] Celie is coming with us.

    Albert: What?

    Shug: Celie is coming with us to Memphis.

    Albert: Over my dead body.

    Shug: You satisfied? That what you want?

    Albert: [to Celie] NOW What's wrong with you?

    Celie: You a low down dirty dog, that's what's wrong. Time for me to get away from you, and enter into Creation. And your dead body'd be just the welcome mat I need.

  • Sofia: [after telling Celie she knows how she feels] Oh... Sofia home, now. Sofia home. Things is gonna be changin' around here. Pass me them peas, boy.