dream born

Retha 2022-04-22 07:01:39

Dreams exist naturally, they are not created by machines and technology. One of the roles of DCmini is to provide a perspective, a perspective of others as dream watchers, and the other role is to establish a connection, the connection between dreams and dreams, and the co-construction of consciousness and consciousness. In this setting, the machine cannot change the properties of the dream as artificial, but it can change the presentation mechanism of the dream.

The whole movie has a lot of details, I didn't capture it very carefully. The general plot is a few main lines of dreams. There are two main points of my feelings. One is that reality and dreams reflect each other, and dreams and reality coexist. First, reality is the cause of dreams, and dreams are the effects of reality. The dream plots of several main lines are all born from reality, such as the disabled chairman, who imagined that he had a strong body in the dream. The obese Shitian has never dared to confess to the heroine. In his dream, he said that a free soul is not afraid of being fat. To put it simply, what is lacking in reality will result in what is desired in the dream; secondly, dreams affect reality, such as Chuanfan finished filming in a dream and unraveled the knot in reality. The heroine faced her own voice calmly in the dream, and bravely held Tokita's hand in reality. Another point I feel is that the freedom in dreams is not completely unhindered freedom. For example, in the dream of Sichuan fans, he dare not face the number 17 and the movie, and he will never get out of the door of the truth. So I feel that the thoughts of longing can be free in dreams, and have nothing to do with good or evil (the chairman's thoughts of evil, Shitian Wu's thoughts of good and no evil, and Otsuko's good thoughts), but the thoughts of fear have no freedom in dreams. Therefore, there is killing in the dream, and there is a knot in the dream that Sichuan fans dare not touch. Maybe this is the case. The depression that makes you cry in reality will still cry in your dreams. Only by looking forward to something with hope will it turn into freedom and turn into reality.

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Extended Reading
  • Shany 2022-03-27 09:01:12

    Cold and beautiful, Nolan is determined not to steal Jin Min, and the identification is completed

  • Alisa 2022-04-24 07:01:15

    The world created is very imaginative

Paprika quotes

  • Inui Sei-jiroh: Science is nothing but a piece of trash before a profound dream.

  • Paprika: Don't you think dreams and the internet are similar? They're both areas where the repressed conscious mind vents.