Human, so affectionate

Eunice 2022-04-21 09:02:42

I have to say that this is a very funny film, and the French humor comes and goes without a trace, including black humor.
Later I found out that this film is not about perfunctory love, it is about absurdity.

Emotions are always absurd, sometimes they are added together by mistake, sometimes they are driven by persistence, and sometimes they rely on the power of gods and monsters. Whether you want to face this irrational reality or not, it is what it is.

So the man who decided to divorce stayed by her side because his wife was dying of a terminal illness. After that, he remembered her when she was young for the rest of his life; the Englishman who could not understand French dragged the phone number of a beautiful young man and strode after the lover On the road; a man fell in love with a woman at first sight, lost his job, wandered on the streets, sang songs to find her, but was seriously injured by street gangsters...

I want you to question the rationality of this enthusiasm, a man who has decided to divorce The reason why you stay, is it also for this that it will not be too long? Does the Englishman actually understand French? And the man who roamed the streets was so infatuated.

And it's just cinema, a surreal expression. It's a long way from our plain, sensible lives - yet it inspires all the possibilities of love that we're willing to try. Let's make an assumption: If you don't have to look at reality and rational face to practice self-cultivation, is such a romantic and boundless love waiting to be practiced in the grand world of imagination?

Living in the absurd, falling in love, breaking up, growing old.
There has been ambiguity, passion, and trance between gains and losses, but there is no indifference to withdraw from the incident.

- This is the human world, so affectionate.

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Extended Reading
  • Katelyn 2022-04-24 07:01:15

    The most incomprehensible part is Du Kefeng's part; the funniest part is Cohen's part; the most impressive is the story of the clown in the Eiffel Tower; the part of Natalie and Binoche is good; Garfield's part is average; The touching coffee; Wilde's romance; Wood's vampires left me speechless; but in the end, Alexander Payne's middle-aged women were the ones that brought tears to my eyes the most. . I think maybe that's me in 10 years, and that's actually not bad. .

  • Clark 2022-03-26 09:01:08

    Du Kefeng's pretence is deep and stupid

Paris, je t'aime quotes

  • Arnaud: Leave it to a true player.

    Arnaud: [to 2 girls passing by] Hey, ladies! You're looking sweet today!

    Black Girl #1: [Condescendingly] Yeah? Call me when you're old enough to shave.

  • Vincent: [Walking along the street] Claire, make Gaspard a balloon, not a ball and chain.

    Claire: Was I a ball and chain?

    Vincent: Mon petit Claire, you were not the ball and chain. You were the zeppelin.