sweet and empty life

Camylle 2022-04-21 09:02:29

The spiritual life of the protagonist is like the dead fish on the beach, alive but as if it were dead. Although surrounded by different women every day, I still can't find love. Journalists snatch information like maggots while ignoring basic human morals. Faced with the desolation of life and spiritual emptiness, women can't give him the answer, religion can't give him the answer, his father can't give him the answer, and neither can his best friend. Friends are even like Wang Shuo's mini-novels - "He is bright and beautiful, The family was happy until one day I shot myself in the head with a gun." Post-war Italy seems to be prosperous, but the people have experienced a spiritual crisis after being drunk with money. Twenty-one years ago, there was Renoir's "Rules of the Game", and now there is "La Dolce Vita." Sex in a psychic, sex in a poor house, lust everywhere, emptiness everywhere, and at a fancy party, where he finally breaks out, it's taken as a good joke and not taken seriously. But what is unique about Fellini is that he always describes the sadness and loneliness after the hustle and bustle, and at the same time always gives you unexpected hope. At the end, the innocent waitress waved at him on the opposite side. He didn't walk over, but stayed in his life. Nevertheless, the director still let people see the seeds of hope.

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Extended Reading
  • Lera 2022-03-23 09:02:10

    #FelliniCentenaryBirthScreen##ArchivePhoto#Finally, the big screen can see the famous scene in film history-blonde beauty playing in the water. For the charming American actress Sylvia, Fellini has some references to Marilyn Monroe (such as using perfume as pajamas) The classic answer to a reporter's question), and the point of the movie is the confusion and absurdity of the modern entertainment media "creating gods", which is exactly the same as the hype star scandal. It is the Virgin Mary who was later chased and intercepted by the media. It's all Fellini's ridicule and questioning of the modern media. Digging deeper, is how corrupt human nature confronts the powerful nothingness, such as Marcello, a columnist with chaotic relations between men and women, whose sensual depraved life contrasts with another noble writer with a happy family, but the writer's suicide leads him to More and more painful and lost, until the scene at the end of the film, the sea monster salvaged by everyone on the beach (symbolizing alienated humanity?), the gesture and smile of the little girl in the distance, Marcello's instant self-awareness - jumping out of everything can save yourself, let go , like the old writer in The Beautiful City.

The Sweet Life quotes

  • Steiner: I'm too serious to be an amateur, but not enough to be a professional.

  • Marcello Rubini: I'm wasting time. I won't manage anything anymore. Once I had ambitions, but maybe I'm losing everything. I forgot everything.