Talk about "Fanny and Alexander" before "2666"

Rylee 2022-04-20 09:01:49

I read this 5-hour movie in 4 nights before bed, and I know it for a long time. Given the lack of courage and perseverance, it is not the best movie of Bergman. But it is the warmest movie. Maybe the old man also wanted to make this "last movie" less obscure and esoteric, and leave the world with beauty and hope.
The film is divided into 5 chapters, and each chapter is distinguished by a rich crimson. From the growth of Fanny and Alexander, to the separation, to the return, the time span is not long. It is too much to call it an epic masterpiece. Inappropriate, seeing someone compare it to the European version of Dream of Red Mansions, it is even more groundless. So, what's so good about it? I thought it was the integrity of a story and the fit between reality and fantasy. As for the performance of photography and the use of colors, needless to say, I believe that after watching the previous "Still in the Mirror" and "Autumn Sonata" clear. A few scenes with deep impressions: First, Uncle Isaac uses magic to make the children "separate"; second, Fanny and Alexander are sitting in a closed room and praying in unison for the death of the bishop; third, Alexander sees the bishop for the last time When he came to the soul of the dead father and asked: Why don't you let God take the bishop to hell, the father said: child, you have to be tolerant to others.
I suddenly remembered that in the documentary "Island of Bergman", the 85-year-old listed his own demons (or the demons that exist in each person) one by one and wrote them down on a piece of paper to carry with him (this detail). Impressed me): like fear, like anger, like resentment, like nothingness. On the island of Faroe, Bergman finished his glorious and mysterious life, and his life was a fantasy film, a kind of uncertainty, just like the script lines read by grandma at the end of the film: Anything is possible To happen, nothing is impossible. Time and space do not exist, and in trivial reality, the imagination weaves new worlds and patterns, this world is: memory, experience, free fantasy, and a mixture of various contradictions.

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Extended Reading
  • Brionna 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    The first time I saw Bergman, it was on the big screen again. I understood it and was shocked. Gorgeous, fantastic, paradoxical, ghostly, every frame is as beautiful as an oil painting, with vivid colors and high-definition pictures as if it were a 2002 movie. Open love, homosexuality, religious resistance, and patriarchal resistance run through the soul of the Nordic classic "Hamlet", Alexander, who always lived in the shadow of his late father and vicious bishop. The first half is very boring, a large section of the foreshadowing can be completely cut off, and the focus is not "Fanny and Alexander" at all. In the second half, the style gradually changed, and the plot gradually became bizarre, turning from a drama film to a horror film. Demagogic parallel montage cuts, crisp and horrific soundtrack, casts the plot and atmosphere like magic. It was extremely uncomfortable to watch the continuous mourning and mourning at the funeral. I almost thought that Alexander would be molested by a pedophile after escaping... There was actually German in it, and I was still wondering!

  • Jarvis 2021-12-31 08:02:10

    #重温# The third time in June 2018; a perfect interpretation of Strindberg's "Everything can happen, time and space do not exist", tears several times. The magic lamp illuminates the childhood paradise. This warm little world is almost dreamy. He saw the sad soul of his father, "We will never be separated", and I cannot sit beside you sadly. In terms of theme and form, he has returned successfully, and is the best and favorite Bergman with "Mask".

Fanny and Alexander quotes

  • Ekdahlska huset - Helena Ekdahl: I loved being a mother. I loved having a big belly. I loved being an actress too, but I preferred being a mother.

  • Emilie Ekdahl - Ekdahlska huset: Your sister gave me sleeping pills for my insomnia. I put three of them in the broth. I did not intend for you to drink it. While you were checking on Elsa, I put three more in. Soon you will sleep very soundly, and when you wake up, I will be gone.