How to distinguish between hallucinations and real unknown female corpses to solve the mystery one by one

Pinkie 2021-12-20 08:01:06

The greatest pleasure of watching this movie lies in the final puzzle-solving process after watching it. In fact, the views of the coroner and his son in the film can be understood as the views or directions of the director.

The son believed that the unnamed female deceased was a witch during her lifetime. All the various tortures that were performed on her in an attempt to punish and expel witch power did not work. Even if she became a corpse, she continued to possess powerful witch power; while her father did. It is believed that the unnamed female deceased was an innocent ordinary girl in her lifetime, but she was intensified by various tortures that attempted to expel and punish the witchcraft and turned her into a witchcraft corpse. Regardless of whether the deceased was a witch or not, in this way of death, her undead are full of resentment. The super resentment made her use every opportunity to kill everyone around her as much as possible, and let them be as much as possible. Tortured before death.

Someone asked why my father had sacrificed to the witch, why did his son die? Some people answered that because the father did not make a complete sacrifice, the son should continue with the unfinished parts of his father. I can't agree with this point. Because, I think the sacrifice is voluntary. Dad is voluntary, and the son does not have this willingness. He doesn’t even know that Dad offered to sacrifice to the witch in order to save himself. Therefore, the death of the son is only because the witch has a deep grievance. , It is only to kill everyone who might have a chance to kill. The death of the Douglas family of three is for this reason. Otherwise, if the three of them can passively sacrifice, then the witch's body will not be so scarred.

Next, I have to explain why the body of the nameless woman was so scarred inside, but the skin on the body was unscathed? According to the analysis of the internal anatomy of the father and son, the appearance of the female corpse should be charred. So when our father and son dissected the first row of corpses, we saw a charred male corpse.

As a result, someone explained that this male corpse was sacrificed to a witch, so it could explain why the witch was wounded internally, but the body surface was unscathed. However, his father’s anatomy of the male corpse concluded that the cause of his death was falling and hitting his head. Before he was burned to death, he was already dead (a dead person would not take the initiative to offer sacrifices), and that the male corpse was born. The relevant information does not contain any content related to witches.

So this male corpse is not directly related to the witch, but before the appearance of the unnamed female corpse, the father and son only dissected one corpse. The corpse can be understood as implying that the witch’s intact body surface is very strange, because to the extent that her lungs were burned, her body surface should be in the same state as this charred male corpse, but why is the witch’s body surface intact? But the corpse watch is so clean and intact? I will leave this question till the end.

After watching this film, you will find that the greatest witchcraft power of the unnamed female corpse is to make people hallucinate, let people kill each other in the hallucinations, or self-mutilate, or sacrifice to her. She actually didn’t do anything, she didn’t set fire, she couldn’t. With the knife, she hasn't even smashed the corpse, all terrible things are her hallucinations.

The next problem is how to distinguish which are hallucinations and which are actually happenings? First of all, let's talk about the principle of judgment-after the female body is sent to the autopsy room, before the police appear in the autopsy room, things in this period of time need to be compared with the situation after the police appear in the autopsy room in the future to judge the true and false. In fact, by comparing before and after, it is easy to find a pattern. All the actions performed by the father and son are real, and all the unusual things they see and hear are caused by hallucinations.

’s talk about the hallucinations first: 1. Bad weather is an illusion. When the father and son dissected the corpse, it was not a storm at all, but a sunny day, because when the police came, the radio said, “Today is another good weather. This is the first time in a row. Four sunny days";
2. The other three corpses turned into zombies is an illusion. The corpses ran out in the eyes of the father and son. The cabinet door was opened. When the police arrived, the three corpses remained unchanged, the same as before;
3. The girlfriend was killed. It was an illusion. When the police left, only three bodies were taken away (a father and a son and an unknown woman). In addition, the police only saw an axe and a piece of clothing worn by the father on his dead girlfriend at the scene, but there was nothing under the clothes. .

4. All kinds of fights and injuries between the father and son and the devil's power are hallucinations. After the death of the father and son, except for the knife wound and the injury of falling from the building, all the other wounds disappeared. Only the two fatal injuries of the father being stabbed and the son falling from the building are real. In the later stage of the autopsy, you can see that the father and son are scarred and bloodstained, but their bodies are clean after death.

5. A burst of electric lights is an illusion.

The shards of glass on the ground disappeared later.

Let’s talk about what actually happened—
1. The anatomy of the female corpse by the father and son is real. Many people say that everything is an illusion, and even the anatomy of the female corpse by the father and son is also an illusion. This is incorrect. It is precisely because the father and son performed an autopsy on the female corpse that the female corpse would intervene and retaliate against the two of them. The hallucinations also started from the autopsy.

It can be seen from the upper right corner of the picture that when the police arrived, there were still Roman numerals recorded on the graphics found by the father and son from the internal organs of the female corpse on the blackboard. If there was no dissection, the numbers on the graphics in the internal organs would not be found.

2. It is real to set female corpses on fire.

When the police inspected the scene, they could see the burned photos on the photo board. The picture below compares what it looked like before it was burnt.

Through comparison, it can be found that the witch’s witch’s power has effectively controlled the direction of the fire. The photos of the dissected corpses are burned, and all the photos left are before the autopsy, which is exactly the same as the police saw it again. Therefore, if the police did not find out the suspicious points carefully, they would never know that the female body was ever dissected. But based on the remaining parts, we can still tell that the content of the photo was the same as before it was burned, which again confirms that the anatomy took place in reality.

When the fire started, the camera and then the photo board were burned. Nothing else was burned. It can be seen that the witch’s mana is really powerful. Although she can’t set fire on her own, she can control the father and son to set fire through hallucinations, and then use it. The mind controlled the direction of the fire, and the gods unknowingly destroyed two important evidences. From then on, the secret discovered by the father and son disappeared with their deaths.

Finally came the most critical question, is the father's sacrifice to the witch real or an illusion? I think it's just an illusion, and the reason is as follows-

after the sacrifice, the color of the female corpse's eyes changed from the original gray to normal brown, while the father's eyes changed from normal to gray.

But after the police arrived, we saw that the color of his father's eyes returned to normal, and neither the police nor the forensic doctor found anything unusual about his father. And at the end of the film, we also see that the color of the female corpse's eyes is still the original abnormal gray. Therefore, all the pain and discoloration of the eyes of the father at that time were all hallucinations of the father and the son, that is, there was no such thing as a sacrifice.

If there has not been a sacrifice, then when the female corpse appeared in front of the police again, it returned to its perfect physical state, just like it was sent without being dissected. How can this be explained?
The witch can control the direction of the fire, can accurately destroy the evidence that reveals her secrets at the scene, can make the father and son hallucinate, and eventually die from the hallucinations. Of course, she can also have the ability to heal herself, otherwise one would die in the 17th century. Why does the corpse of a slim-waisted woman not decay for hundreds of years?

Some people say that the toes of the corpse of the tail girl moved and the sound of bells rang, indicating that her father's sacrifice to the witch was successful, because her original ankle was fractured, but—

However, the camera moved from the head to the feet, and we did not see the bells that distinguish life and death on the ankles of the female corpse. Where did the bells come from? Of course, it is an illusion again. Since the driver’s radio changes its voice, the illusion has already begun. Non-existent bells can ring, and fractured feet can of course move. There is no other corpse in this car that can be used to "chuck" the corpse, then only "ch" his own corpse.

Finally, let's answer the question of why the body surface of the female corpse is intact. Some people think that because her father made a sacrifice to the witch, she recovered and her body surface was restored to her original state. However, her father’s sacrifice had a broken wrist and smoke from her mouth (indicating that her lungs were burned). There was discoloration of the eyes, but there was no case where the body was cut or split. Even the hallucinations did not happen. Therefore, the body surface of the female corpse has recovered intact. It has nothing to do with her father. It is because she has the ability to heal itself.

This brings me back to the question "Why are the internal scars so clean and the body surface is so clean and intact?" I think this is the tricky part of the female corpse. If it is a sacrifice to get a good skin, then that With broken internal organs and broken joints, why haven’t people been found to offer sacrifices for hundreds of years? What happened in the 17th century, how long is there really no chance?
I would rather believe that the unnamed female corpse was made into this look from the beginning. As for how it made this look, and how the strange patterns on the inner skin came from, I don’t know. It's a more mysterious story, so there are some unexplainable mysterious black holes, isn't it more interesting?

Back to the beginning of the film, the pattern is a wolf in sheep's clothing, in English imposter, which means imposter, liar. It should refer to the female corpse, which looks like a weak and harmless sheep, but in fact it is a ferocious wolf.

Well, that's all for my puzzle solving. Actually, I am not too sure about whether the sacrifice is true or false. If there is a high-level solution, please feel free to enlighten me.

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Extended Reading
  • Mae 2021-12-20 08:01:06

    You witches, evil spirits, demons, etc., can you just like to kill cats and dogs and bully good people? Robbing the rich, helping the poor, fighting against the corrupt officials, can't you do anything?

  • Jana 2021-12-20 08:01:06

    The magical effect of bells and smoke is amazing.

The Autopsy of Jane Doe quotes

  • [first lines]

    Deputy Ballard: [over radio] Sheriff, you gotta get down here.

    Sheriff Burke: [crouching down] We got an ID on her?

    Deputy Ballard: No, sir. No relation to Paul and Carol.

    Lieutenant Wade: Who's she?

    Sheriff Burke: Well, for now, she's a Jane Doe.

  • Tommy: You can't kill someone this way without leaving a trace on the outside. She doesn't even have a broken nail.