Gently Johnny by Paul Giovanni

Linwood 2021-12-30 17:21:10

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I put my hand on her knee
And she says
Do you want to see

I put my hand on her breast
And she says
Do you want to kiss

Gently gently gently Johnny
Gently Johnny, my jingle

I put my hand on her thigh
And she says
Do you want to try

I put my hand on her belly
And she says
Do you want to feel me

Gently gently gently Johnny
Gently Johnny, my jingle

--- -Gently Johnny by Paul Giovanni

praises such a lyrical and pure guitar version of brainwashing English eighteen touches

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Extended Reading
  • Rowena 2022-04-24 07:01:06

    The police are a big idiot. Since no one on the island admits that Morrison exists, who wrote the letter? Does he not know how to call back and ask for support? He checked the encyclopedia and didn't see that it was possible to sacrifice to pagans? It's a little too blind and arrogant for the cop to stand on the moral high ground and confront what he considers heretics. His piety and stupidity finally sent him into the Wicker Man.

  • Kadin 2022-04-24 07:01:06

    wow late night surprise. Hot Fuzz must have learned from this film, the portrayal of the villagers, the shaping of the atmosphere, the writing of the story to the other extreme, and the British policeman who is not cool at all, but unfortunately it does not have the beauty and milk volume of this woman.

The Wicker Man quotes

  • Willow: Some things in their natural state have the most VIVID colors.

  • Lord Summerisle: I think I could turn and live with animals. They are so placid and self-contained. They do not lie awake in the dark and weep for their sins. They do not make me sick discussing their duty to God. Not one of them kneels to another or to his own kind that lived thousands of years ago. Not one of them is respectable or unhappy, all over the earth.