the truth of the devil

Kamille 2022-04-20 09:01:54

The three erotic movies of Philip Kaufman, "Love in Prague", "The Quill" and "Love June Flowers" are really beautiful~! Geoffrey Rush's acting skills are perfect, he fully expresses both the good and the evil of Count Sade through his eyes and the corners of his mouth~

Count Sade, this character is very attractive. Although his words are evil and lewd, they reveal Out of the true naked humanity! Look at his evil and mysterious smile, like the devil's extremely attractive devil~! It is also enough to appear real. The things that people dare not face are the most real, most eager and most feared things in their hearts.

Angels and devils exist in the same body, and they behave like devils, but their hearts are as pure as angels; they seem to be honest and gentlemen, but they are actually the most despicable devils, not even devils~!

What is a "quill pen"? Sade's pen, Sade's words, that's the apple in the Garden of Eden~! The golden apple of desire that awakens human nature~

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Extended Reading
  • Raphael 2022-03-27 09:01:10

    The "purity" protected by moral orthodoxy cannot be considered true justice and goodness, because those are highly perishable. Only after experiencing evil and ugliness, and still thinking that we should still stand on the side of justice and goodness, no matter what the cost, can we call it true justice and goodness. So the real saint is not a pure sheep, but often a scarred heart.

  • Jordyn 2022-03-23 09:02:15

    I admit that my rating is not fair. dislike! ! !

Quills quotes

  • Madeleine: It's a sin against God for me to refuse your kindness. But my heart's held fast here...

    Coulmier: By whom? The Marquis?

    Madeleine: Mother's not half so blind as you.

  • Royer-Collard: Will you sleep soundly tonight?

    Coulmier: No. Put frankly, I never expect to sleep again.