If you want to keep a dog in the comments, please take a look

Owen 2022-01-03 08:02:00

I just want to say a word, after watching the adoption of a dog, please be more rational, I believe that when you adopt it is true love, when you abandon it is really unspeakable, but any impulse is irresponsible, when you feel that 365 days Walking the dog twice a day is a burden. Having a child, getting married and moving, can’t be raised. You can take thousands of medicines for surgery. 500 pieces of dog food can be fed to humans that are not suitable for pets after one month. , The dog lost and cried, the dog urinates all over the street and is scolded by others and says that others don’t love pets. Sometimes it’s just not behaved and will accidentally pee at home and do bad things... At this time, please take this piece out again. : Don't forget the original intention, so that you can live forever.

So, do you really want to keep a dog?

Then, I wish you a happy life with sincere love and companionship for each other.

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Extended Reading
  • Jefferey 2022-01-03 08:02:00

    Spilled all the dog's blood, but I was still beaten up.

  • Dustin 2022-03-22 09:02:12

    When I see every dog ​​die, I cry silently in the dark. When I saw Corgi's death, I suddenly believed that death is not the final belonging. Thanks to this movie, it gave me the final kick and made me make up my mind to adopt my Bella. I won't have to look at other people's dogs anymore.

A Dog's Purpose quotes

  • Carlos: [into his police radio] My dog's been shot! I repeat, canine shot!

    Ellie: [narrating] I always hated getting shots. This was definitely the worst shot I ever got.

  • Tino: [at the veternarian] What's with these white-coat people sticking me with sharp things?