Seventeen years later, why do we still miss it so much

Romaine 2022-09-27 21:56:42

The three major video platforms condemned the infringing news of "Friends Reunion Special" at station B, and the time was instantly brought back to the summer of more than ten years ago - the foreign language classification area of ​​Xinhua Bookstore impressively displayed various learning materials based on "Six People" ; The covers of film and television magazines sold at newsstands also always see the small characters in the remarks: the latest poster of the sitcom "Six People" is included.

In the millennium era, which was also named "Six People", FRIENDS meant that they could watch an American drama in the name of learning, imitate their fashionable clothes, envy their friendship and love, and nothing else. It wasn't until we grew up to their age that we suddenly realized that this American drama, which was never officially introduced, was already well-known by heart. It turned out that we went from "Six People" to "Friends" all the way.

Attentive, so it will be remembered for a long time

If it weren't for the broadcast of "Friends Reunion Special", we probably would never have known how well-intentioned "Friends" is. The main creators just wanted to make a TV series with their friends in their lives. They are young and active, with dreams in their hearts. They have different personalities but love each other. They are "FRIENDS" in real life. Perhaps it is because of this simple and sincere original intention that everything that happened in the future started to take for granted.

The creators talk about the original intention of "Friends"

In order to find six leading actors who can interpret the characters well, the creators begged the actors who have given up the TV circle to join the group and rob other film crews of the same period, and because of a look and an outrageous joke, they identified the role's true destiny. . The protagonists, who are determined by the main creators like finding a needle in a haystack, have only one common wish. What they want to create is a story that truly tells about friendship. There are no so-called male and female protagonists in the past, and other actors are surrounded by them. In "Friends", everyone Evenly inked, everyone is the protagonist. Then, there were the six immortals we later saw.

Fairy beauty six

The main creative team built the best stage, and then, because of the presentation of the actors, everything came to the screen. In the tidbits broadcast in the special episode, two impressive scenes - in the plot of Joey and Chandler vying for the sofa, 4 successful scenes have been filmed, but the fifth film has to be filmed by ghosts, and this is the filming. , dislocating Joey's shoulder. Interestingly, because each lead is indispensable, the writers wrote the classic scene of Joey dislocating on the trampoline in the bedroom, allowing him to continue filming with a bandage.

Joey at this time, really wearing a bandage

The other is that Ross moved the sofa upstairs with his friends because he didn't want to pay for a moving team. In this moving scene that made countless people cry with laughter, the script only included "the three people began to move the sofa upstairs", and only by virtue of the actors' movements, expressions and tone, they achieved a famous scene. How influential is this performance? This clip, years later, reminds me of another moving scene — in The Big Bang Theory, where Sheldon and Leonard move the sofa in the stairwell.

"Friends" moving sofa bridge

moving sofa script

In the special, the leading actors joked about the fun during filming, imagined and outlined the lives of the six after the final season, we seem to forget that they are actors, and they have transformed each other into real old friends in ten years of shooting. If it weren't for this review, we wouldn't realize that every participant in the show is writing his own "Friends."

Scarce, so extraordinarily precious

When the Friends special hits the topic list again, do we miss ourselves who chased the show back then, or those unforgettable stories? I don’t know when it started, we gradually got used to watching movies in fragments with mobile devices, and what changed with it was skipping the beginning and end of the film, accepting the ubiquitous advertising placement of the gold masters and fathers, and paying attention to the off-screen CP more than the plot. ...On the contrary, watch TV episodes for an hour on time every day, sing the theme song with all the friends around you without saying a word, and use the only advertising time to quickly run to the toilet and then flush back to the TV Before, these scenes seemed familiar but seemed to have long since blurred.

"1997 has passed, and I miss it very much." At the end of every year, someone always thinks of this classic line.

I miss those classics that are not held hostage by capital. Like "Friends", the episodes in the list have become symbols of an era, such as "I Love My Home", which is about the same period. No one is discussing whether the protagonist's appearance is online, because acting speaks volumes; everyone's classic lines are familiar to us; even many people have put it into their mobile phones for more than ten years as a good medicine to escape the hardships of life.

"I Love My Home" was broadcast in 1993

"Friends" aired in 1994

Among the dozens of films and TV shows that emerge every year, some are very popular and some are silent. There are very few that can be remembered for a lifetime. If there's anything the classics are the same, I think, it's because it resonates with people. "Friends" and "I Love My Family", which were produced in different historical and cultural backgrounds, tell about different lives. The same is that the love for family and friends may be somewhat vulgar and useful, such as " "Love" can save everything.

Today, there are too many people eager to express "love" in various forms, and too few people truly understand "love". Therefore, it is more and more precious.

Unique, so cannot be reproduced

I believe that people who have watched the special will be moved by one point - the actors of Ross and Rachel fell in love with each other during the filming, but both of them tacitly expressed affection and politeness, and let the love show in the episode. Therefore, the performance of the two in the play is more intense. Seeing this, the barrage is crazy. Some people praised that the CP of that year was not wrong, some people praised this as a longer companionship, and some people sighed that the two could not become real partners.

David, the actor of Ross, tells about his feelings at the time

And the next conversation hit everyone in front of the screen. Nearly 20 years later, I can still vividly recall the scene of the original shooting. The actors of Ross and Rachel asked the other four leading actors, "At that time, between filming, we often snuggled up on the sofa and rested. How could everyone not know that we like each other?" The four said in unison, "We know"

And the next conversation we know you're, hey, hit everyone in front of the screen. Nearly 20 years later, I can still vividly recall the scene of the original shooting. The actors who played Ross and Rachel asked the other four leading actors, "At that time, between filming, we often snuggled up on the sofa to rest, how could everyone not know that we like each other?" The four of them said "we know" in unison.

Of course they know. They know that you had a crush on the girl with a ponytail when you were young, so they deliberately changed seats with you; they knew that you were shy when you first entered society, so they insisted on treating you but chose a streetside mala stall; they know you The singer who has been chasing after ten years is about to hold a concert, so I grabbed two tickets all night, and threw it to you with a flat face and asked whether we would like to go together? They know all the tension in your long years and all your hard work. They help you through your youth where you didn't notice and are proud of your achievements. They are "FRIENDS".

Some people say that in this world, natural disasters and man-made disasters continue to make us feel uneasy and confused and lose ourselves. Some people say that because of age, the tears are too low to see the fiery sincerity, and the pain points are too high, and they are numb to the chaos. I don't know what can save this fast-changing era. The classic may be left in vain after looking back, but it is like an anchor, when the wind suddenly rises, it is thrown into the seabed and docked in port.

The night I was watching the Friends special, I had a dream that in a self-study class more than ten years ago, some people hid novels in their textbooks, some people covered their earphones, and some people looked at the note they just took. With a smirk, the same table handed over a magazine with six stylishly dressed foreign youths on the cover. The sun shines through the poplar leaves outside the window, and tomorrow will be another wonderful weekend.

View more about Friends: The Reunion reviews

Extended Reading

Friends: The Reunion quotes

  • James Corden: Were Ross and Rachel on a break?

    Jennifer Aniston: Absolutely, yes!

    Courteney Cox: Yes.

    Matthew Perry: Yes.

    Lisa Kudrow: Yes!

    David Schwimmer: Yeah, we were on a break.

    Matt LeBlanc: Bulls%#t

  • James Corden: How much do you stay in touch ?

    Lisa Kudrow: Yeah, no, we stay in touch for sure. Maybe not every day.

    James Corden: Sure.

    Lisa Kudrow: But, you know, we have such a bond from having done this show and forged this very tight relationship that, you know, any time you text or call someone, they're going to pick up. They'll be there.

    James Corden: Matthew, who doesn't pick up ?

    Matthew Perry: I don't hear from anyone.