Love never fades

Rey 2021-12-10 08:01:29

I like Elinor ~ for a long time, crying like a child when I learned the truth, the picture is so touching and heart-wrenching~ The sonnet in the rain is very shocking. The picture of the colonel standing by his side reading poems for Marianne is so beautiful and there is not much language. More can be read from the delicate picture.

Just like the title of the movie, "Sense and Emotion" is a work that is almost impenetrable and full of emotions. Ang Lee's adaptation of Jane Austen's novel of the same name not only focuses on the character creation, but also expresses the emotions of the characters. Performance, the proposition that love fits into "sensibility and emotion" can be fascinatingly burst out.

There is nothing to talk about between us because I never keep but you keep silent. -"Sense and Emotion"

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Extended Reading
  • Chandler 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    Alas, it is rational and emotional on the surface, but in reality, it is full of arrogance and prejudice.

  • Ashlynn 2021-12-10 08:01:29

    Halfway through seeing it, I remembered "Pride and Prejudice" Jane Austen has an unforgettable feeling in her heart

Sense and Sensibility quotes

  • Marianne: And as for you, you have no right, no right at all, to parade your ignorant assumptions...

    Margaret: They're not assumptions, you told me.

    Marianne: I told you nothing.

    Margaret: They'll meet him when he comes, anyway.

    Marianne: Margaret, that is not the point. You do not speak of such things before strangers.

    Margaret: But everyone else was.

    Marianne: Mrs Jennings is not everyone.

    Margaret: I like her. She talks about things. We never talk about things.

    Mrs. Dashwood: Hush, please. That is enough, Margaret. If you cannot think of anything appropriate to say, you will please restrict your remarks to the weather.

  • Mrs. Dashwood: You must miss him, Elinor.

    Elinor Dashwood: We are not engaged, Mamma.

    Mrs. Dashwood: But he loves you, dearest, of that I am certain.

    Elinor Dashwood: I am by no means assured of his regard, and even were he to feel such a preference, I think we should be foolish to assume that there would not be many obstacles to his marrying a... a woman of no rank who cannot afford to buy sugar.

    Mrs. Dashwood: But Elinor, your heart must tell you...

    Elinor Dashwood: In such a situation, Mamma, it is perhaps better to use one's head.