Popular footage in the game industry, Cthulhu, an unpopular film and television industry

Juvenal 2022-01-02 08:01:31

Quite a Romanian horror movie. Although Lovetraft’s Cthulhu series has influenced a large number of contemporary games, Fallout, Wizards, and Bloodborne Curse all pay tribute to it, and World of Warcraft directly created the ancient god C'Thun and Yug. Saron is a boss full of tentacles. But the influence of the Cthulhu series on the film is not great. In the final analysis, it is because the indescribable fear is really difficult to express in the form of film and television. Based on Lovetraft’s writing style, Cthulhu is indeed not suitable for film themes, because it is full of inconspicuous details, long-span foreshadowing and a large number of descriptions of the character’s psychology. In the impetuous contemporary era, this kind of slowness The rhythm material will inevitably make people feel a little boring.
Although there are many works that indirectly pay tribute to Cthulhu, such as "Pirates of the Caribbean" and "Hellboy". But when you think about it, I’ve seen movies that directly show Cthulhu, except for this one, and only "Dagon", "The Mist", "Extreme Cold", "Necronomicon", and "John Is Finally Dead". "And "Strange Forms", as well as the earlier "Call of Cthulhu."
Some people think this movie is not horrible, the reason is very simple, because it should be a suspense thriller rather than a horror film, its wonderful lies in its layout and development. The same details as those in the novel are constantly appearing in the film to allow the audience to substitute themselves in it. Although as a thriller, this movie may be only slightly higher than the ordinary level, but as a movie that wants to show the Luo style horror, it has been quite successful.

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Extended Reading
  • Alexys 2022-01-02 08:01:31

    Sure enough, awesome. The first half was too weird and almost frightened; in the second half, a large collection of images of various horror films, the creativity is very good, if you can be a little restrained and subtle, it would be better.

  • Vinnie 2022-04-21 09:02:34

    The dark thing is that words are realized by life, and the desolation in my mind still thinks it is gratifying

In the Mouth of Madness quotes

  • John Trent: Your books SUCK!

  • John Trent: God's not supposed to be a hack horror writer.