A masterpiece of torture

Abdullah 2022-04-21 09:03:02

Although it is an American movie, the content is Chinese culture. Those who are interested can see:
1. Socrates used chopsticks when eating.
2. The way he makes young people stand on the table is the Chinese "standing stake".
3. Live in the moment "now, here, at this moment", with no distractions and focus.
4. Let go of your own desires, glory, and follow your heart.
5. In everything, focus on and enjoy the process, not the result.
6. Persistence in beliefs
, etc., are all manifestations of Buddhist culture. Personally, I think it's a very good movie, especially in today's boring society, it is necessary for people to reflect on themselves, why they live, and what kind of attitude they should work and live with. The protagonist of the movie seems to be the portrayal of everyone in life, and I hope that each of us can find the true meaning of life.

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Extended Reading
  • Marcelina 2022-03-24 09:03:07

    The never-before-seen inspirational movie. Half the time is bullshitting, half the time is sprinkling chicken soup.

  • Angelo 2022-03-22 09:02:33

    When you feel fear, use your sword, do not hesitate to cut your head into pieces, attack all regrets and fears, past and future.

Peaceful Warrior quotes

  • Socrates: The habit is the problem. All you need to do is be conscious about your choices and responsible for your actions.

  • Dan Millman: There is never nothing going on. There are no ordinary monments.