Super cute

Bernhard 2021-12-19 08:01:02

I saw a cute movie recommended by someone on Weibo before, and the cover of this penguin of Madagascar successfully attracted me. It was four super cute penguins. Then I saw that the score was good, so I searched it.

How to put it, the brain hole plot design is great, the whole story outline is also very unique, it will not be boring to look at it, many transitions are also very meaningful, can make people think of some social reality, there are people who like unique brain hole stories The children recommend to see it!

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Extended Reading
  • Eliezer 2021-12-19 08:01:02

    Kowalski is 100% straight and correct, Rico is 100% gay, Skipper is 999% pansexual, and Private is not yet sexually mature. Why do I like Moe Factory so much...I just like Moe Factory so much^q^

  • Jacynthe 2022-03-29 09:01:03

    The zebra crossing turns over and hides.

Penguins of Madagascar quotes

  • [after the battle, Dave is revealed made cute by the ray, shrunk and trapped inside a snow globe]

    Dave: What? Are you kidding me?

    [the snow globe falls from the duct tape, Skipper catches him]

    Skipper: Dave. Oh-ho, look at you.

    Dave: You think this is over? I'm just getting started! I'm about...

    Kowalski: What do we do with him now?

    [Rico attempts to swallow the snow globe, but Skipper pulls it away]

    Girl with Snow Globe: Aww...

    Dave: [to the Penguins] Open this right now!

    Skipper: Here you go, kid.

    [Skipper tosses the snow globe to the girl, Dave looks at her]

    Girl with Snow Globe: Cool.

    [the girl sets a finger on the snow globe's glass. Dave puts a tentacle in the same spot and smiles]

    Skipper: I hope you find happiness, Dave.

    [the girl begins to shake the snow globe hard]

    Girl with Snow Globe: It's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing, it's snowing!

    [She runs off shaking the snow globe with Dave whimpering, much to the surprise of the Penguins and the North Wind]

  • Dave: Elijah, would you please take them away!