Never Rarely Sometimes Always--Two Women

Sam 2022-07-18 10:37:41

The film revolves around the journey of an unintended teenage girl and her cousin to New York City to have an abortion.

The title of the film is revealed by the question and answer in the middle, and the sex lives of the child's father and the girl's sexual partner also get the answer from this. It hurts me. The other's position in the film is not too well understood and cannot be seen.

The process was very worried about what would happen to the two sisters during the trip, and the more they saw the back, the more worried they became. At the end, it seems that it is just an ordinary process.

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Extended Reading
  • Casey 2022-04-13 09:01:06

    Do you regret being born a woman? Please choose: A. Never B. Rarely C. Sometimes D. Always

  • Idell 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    How could it be Mengji, it's obviously Kenlodge.

Never Rarely Sometimes Always quotes

  • Skylar: Don't you ever just wish you were a dude?

    Autumn: All the time.

  • Social Worker #2: Whatever your decision is is totally fine, as long as it's yours.