10 weeks to 18 weeks - Faith brings deceit as well as power.

Nikita 2022-04-24 07:01:26

The doctors in the town misdiagnosed. But is it really a misdiagnosis? The kind grandma at the front desk asked Autumn: "do you have other thoughts?". He then showed her some "pro-abortion" promos, and even tried to talk to her again when Autumn got on the bus to New York. All the details suggest to us that the misdiagnosis may not be accidental, but deliberate. Deliberately mixing up the time, so that pregnant teenage girls are unaware and miss the best abortion event or even delay it until it can no longer be performed.

Remember the first clinic the girls went to in New York, the door was full of devout believers, holding icons in their hands, singing, Virgin Mary, please forgive our sins. We will see such scenes at the gates of abortion institutions in various states in the United States, and some people will even shout at you directly: "you are a murder". and "you are sinful"

The director is very wise to cut from the perspective of a 17-year-old girl. This girl, a minor, has just started her life. She has experienced forced sex and was abused by her partner. She is such a vulnerable victim. After seeing her story, the audience will naturally want to question those Christians, Or, all fundamentalists, including Christians, are these really sin? whose sin is it? Is it her sin as a womb carrier? Even if the answerer shows the slightest doubt, we have reason to question the fairness of God.

The film's choice of such a compromise is an attempt to wake up the "numbs" who stand like a rock in the street and hold signs. However, my selfish desire is that any woman in this society who chooses to have an abortion only out of her own will rather than objective disadvantages can be accepted calmly.

There is, the anti-abortion bill sucks. Because of this bill, in the 1930s and 1940s, the United States died of many women who were afraid to go to the hospital due to self-abortion or private surgery by a doctor who were infected (because the hospital forced them to confess to them before treating the mother). The name of the surgeon who performed the surgery without permission and the name of their other half).

A healthy adult woman and an embryo with brain waves, in front of those who have to, sincerely hope that we will always choose the former.

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Extended Reading
  • Everett 2022-04-07 09:01:07

    When Skylar had to sacrifice his color to exchange for the return ticket, the two girls hooked their fingers gently, probably the most heart-piercing scene in the whole film. Although the ubiquitous but cold "help" makes people feel that there is no genuine care for the "fallen girls" in this society, it seems to be a complex emotion that is deeply rooted in people's hearts to sympathize with but contempt for this group. After all, a person who has received a higher education can become a heathcare professional, how can he really understand the heart of a girl who is about to have an abortion before graduating from high school? In the end, they are the only ones who can help them.

  • Lesley 2022-04-07 09:01:07

    This painless but uncomfortable feeling is communicated well.

Never Rarely Sometimes Always quotes

  • Skylar: Don't you ever just wish you were a dude?

    Autumn: All the time.

  • Social Worker #2: Whatever your decision is is totally fine, as long as it's yours.