This is a drugged Joan of Arc judging, and I refuse you to defend what I say!

Green 2022-04-21 09:03:52

Evil makes a person's mind sharp, you do a good thing, you only need to think about two results, not let people know or let people know. And when you want to do something evil, you have to come up with 110,000 excuses, reasons and retreats. Good can replenish yang, but evil can fill yin. That's why some guys look gloomy and girls go crazy about it. And said to me, he had a charming quality, deep, and seemed like a man with a story, and I loved him. (Pretending to be cool is not included in this list) Just imagine, how to make excuses and retreats for what you do all day long in your heart, how do you want to be sunny? In The Theory of Consciousness Only, it is said that there are eight consciousnesses and fifty-one mental factors. This refers to the thoughts of the heart, the head of the thoughts. There are only eleven good thoughts and twenty-six evil thoughts, which is too much. So that some people always emphasize 'human nature is inherently evil' and the reason why thick black school is in power. We force ourselves to be a good person, but there is always a lot of darkness in our hearts, which swallow up good thoughts and play with thoughts. A fool is never a bad guy. Walter never dreamed that he would do this. The good road is hard to walk, but the bad road is gone forever. Every night, it is hard to sleep, and the road that regrets but can't turn back can only go on. . . . . . I don't understand why they take the risk, but they still put crosses everywhere and believe in Christianity. At least I did something wrong, and I really didn't dare to go to the temple again, just like you stole your parents' money and went out to fool around. It's a matter of time when you get caught, but you still don't dare to go home, and you can hide for a day. idea. People like Jesse are like my uncle said, he will never be a good person, even a good person is a scum among good people! If you choose him, tears and despair will accompany you for the rest of your life. Oh, hoo, I hear someone refuting me, Jesse is many times better than being suave and beastly dressed, it seems so, but every woman who doesn't take drugs, hangs out with Jesse and ends up marrying without cancer Former Walter. Buddha said, flowers bloom two lives, life is between Buddha and devil. The alternation of good and evil has resulted in this remnant of life. There is no right or wrong! This point of view only represents my personal opinion, please read the title!

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Extended Reading
  • Kristina 2022-03-31 09:01:11

    I regret not watching this show for the rest of my life.

  • Shaina 2022-04-10 09:01:08

    In the beginning, it was a dark humorous story about a middle-aged man's life and the underworld forces. Later, the truth came out. For more than 20 years, the old white pick-up girl was robbed of the original stock and polished, married a prostitute daughter-in-law and gave birth to a crippled son who got cancer. , it's impossible for such a person not to break bad

Live Free or Die quotes

  • Old Joe: [clearing everyone before doing the huge-magnet experiment] Guns, knives, tools, keys, plates in your head, artificial hips. Check your pockets for items, please. Oh, uh, credits card. You'll want that plastic working come Miller time.

    Mike Ehrmantraut: Ya know, I can see a number of possible outcomes to this thing. And not a single one of them involves Miller time.

  • Walter White: So you took it upon yourself to give 622 thousand of my money to a man who had been sleeping with my wife.

    Saul Goodman: She's my client, same as you. Does this arrangement get a little tricky at times? Absolutely. But I try my best, you know, ethically, in my duty...

    Walter White: Ethically? I'm sorry I must be hearing things. Did you actually just use the word ethically in a sentence? You're not Clarence Darrow, Saul. You're a two bit, bus-bench lawyer, and you work for me.

    Saul Goodman: Well Clarence Darrow never had a client like you ask him for something like this.

    [produces the ricen cigarette]

    Saul Goodman: Okay? Yeah, I put my ass on the line for you. Huell too. He's got fingers like hot dogs. He could have easily busted this in two and killed everyone in the office, but do I complain? No. Beg, borrow, steal, I'm your huckleberry. I go the extra mile. Only you never told me that kid would wind up in a hospital!

    Saul Goodman: [gets up] You know, take that thing and get the hell out of here. You and me, we're done!

    [Walter sits up and moves slowly towards Saul]

    Saul Goodman: What are you... Come on, hey. Hey!

    Walter White: [coldly and threateningly] We're done when I say we're done.