Mysterious Superstar | Women are struggling, take a brave step forward

Stewart 2022-04-24 07:01:26

I went to see "Mystery Superstar" because of Aamir Khan, and I was not disappointed. Following the female independence proposition of "Wrestle, Dad", "Mysterious Superstar" puts its perspective on the role of a mother who binds and ties more.

The story is about a 15-year-old Indian girl, Isiah, who has a natural voice. Her mother, Najima, sees her talents carefully and encourages her. Isiah dreams of becoming a star and singing to the world. Of course, her father, who had a serious patriarchal ideology, became the biggest obstacle in her pursuit of her dream. The father regarded his wife as a personal accessory, and if he was slightly dissatisfied, he would fight each other. For his daughter Isiah, her father also regarded her as a burden, and used her daughter's marriage as a bargaining chip for his career promotion.

Mother Najima has no culture, but she has the most tolerant and simple love for her children. In order to save her daughter, she was pregnant and fled bravely. Forced to make a living and reality, she returned to the family after 10 months; she bought a guitar for her 6-year-old daughter with the private money she secretly saved; sold her father to keep it for herself The dowry necklace, bought a computer for her daughter... She has always maintained a humble and forbearing attitude towards her husband's arrogance and violence. In the face of her husband's repeated destruction of her daughter's dreams - twisting her guitar, breaking her computer, and succumbing to reality, she chose to endure it silently. In the end, when the husband was unwilling to bear the consignment fee of 5,000 rupees for his daughter's dream, and regarded his daughter's dream and his own thoughts as garbage, the mother Najima finally broke out.

In the stills of "Mysterious Superstar", Najima broke out and said no to her husband.

When watching the movie, I saw that Najima broke out. The scene was quite burning. The figure who left with the child was quite free and easy and handsome, leaving her husband's face stunned. As a mother, I deeply understand how much courage Najima needs to make this choice.

In the film, Isiah encourages her mother to leave her violent father, while Najima's heart not only holds her daughter, but also her son. She was worried that if she left with her daughter, her son would become the same annoying person as her husband in the future.

Najima's bigger concern is that after leaving, what will she use to raise her children with almost no financial resources? If Najima could support herself completely, how could she come back after leaving for 10 months to give birth to her daughter?

Nagima chose to forbear for a long time in a bad intimate relationship, not so much because of the child, but because of the limitations of her environment, personal ability and vision.

If you put it on a contemporary independent woman with outstanding ability and a strong heart, I believe that she will resolutely choose to bring her children and get rid of this stinky man.

Najima is illiterate and illiterate, and has limited ways to make a living, which also causes her husband to look down on her, and she can't live without her.

Correspondingly, to be an independent woman, you need to have enough knowledge and skills to be able to support yourself and live well alone. When you can live a good enough life by yourself and then enter the marriage, you will have more confidence to raise expectations and demands on the standard of living after marriage.

The women around Najma gave her no support. When Najima was forcibly dragged to the hospital for an abortion because she was pregnant with a girl, the aunt in the film, also a female elder, thought, what can she do to help? In her aunt's consciousness, she even thought that being a female was superfluous in itself and not worthy of attention.

Accordingly, contemporary women need to support each other. As Sheryl Sandberg, author of "One Step Forward," said, "If we can succeed in getting more women to have a voice at the top, then we'll give all women more opportunities to fight for more fair treatment."

As women, it is easier to understand the balance of pregnancy, childcare, family and career, and the challenges women need to face; as women, they can more carefully consider the support needed by female employees in their work; as women, they can appreciate women Their own barriers to consciousness encourage them to seek breakthroughs.

Najma's vision is limited and she can't see the different ways of living for women. In the film, computers and the Internet are a luxury prize. In the past, Najima lived in a world without Internet connectivity, and could only see the fate of women at similar levels around her, and could not see any other way out. She could only choose to accept her fate.

Isiah's vision was opened up by the Internet, seeing the power of ordinary people through the Internet, they can also become idols that are liked and sought after by millions of people.

The Internet, to a certain extent, has broken the barriers of cognition and class. As a woman, if you are willing, even if you are a full-time mother, through the Internet, you can see the colorful lives of housewives around the world, you can hear the inspirational stories of various outstanding women, you can continue to learn, you can speak out, and you can run an online field. I am not afraid that you will pursue new ideas and make breakthroughs, but I am even more afraid that you will be willing to become a closed and boring person.

In the film, Najima's outbreak can be said to bravely break through the shackles and meet the unknown challenges. As a woman, you may not face the dilemma of Najima, but you may face other dilemmas, such as parents' forced marriage, such as whether to have children, such as the difficulty of balancing career and family...

In any era, the physiological characteristics of women who conceive children determine the difficulty of motherhood. We don't need to use the years to be quiet to decorate this difficulty, what we need is to face it and be fully prepared.

May you have enough ability to not succumb to reality, may you have a strong heart, and may not be influenced by the world, may you always be diligent and be a rich and interesting woman.

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Extended Reading
  • Cecile 2022-04-05 09:01:08

    The daughter threw away the burqa and showed her face. Throwing away not only the burqa, but also numbness, obedience, humiliation, and humility; showing not only the face, but also dignity, courage, courage, and equality; the mother said to her husband, "That's not garbage, that's Yin Xia's guitar". People were in tears. She picked up the guitar and walked away without looking back. From the eyes of her and her daughter, what I saw was resistance, fighting, strength, bravery, awakening, and freedom!

  • Nicolette 2022-04-06 09:01:07

    My stepmother asked me to recommend it, so I chose this one and watched it with my father who used to be abusive. I was so embarrassed

Secret Superstar quotes

  • Najma: Did the chicken come first or the egg?

    Insia: It depends on the situation... If you want to eat chicken, the egg comes first - it hatches into a chicken, which you cook. But, if you want to eat an omelette, the chicken comes first - it lays the egg, which you make into an omelette.