
Arjun 2022-04-19 09:03:15

Jonathan later became a producer, dedicating the film to his mother and father, who chose to live to witness his growth.

This is not a love movie, although the male and female protagonists are still on TV, evenly matched, and have enviable feelings...

One breath and one breath, instinctively speaking, people live by breathing; if you want to live, you naturally have to breathe. For Robin, life is completely self-defeating, unplugging the ventilator and dying. It's not wrong, he seriously wanted to die in the early stage of paralysis, but he chose to live because his wife told him to live, to witness the growth of his son, to be with her, for her...

I don't just want to be alive, I want to truly live. Walking out of the hospital, trying out a wheelchair, revisiting the old place, moving to Spain, Robin has done many things that others seem impossible, but in fact it's nothing, he chose to live , just live well, not alive but true life.

He has a good wife, who can be assured of his life at a glance, will firmly tell him to live, and respond to every situation with an unusual calmness. Thinking about it, it seems that this is not just a matter of having a strong heart. Yes, what a firm love the core is.

He has a group of good friends who are with everyone who is not around, old friends. Colin said, life is not easy, every time I come to you, I come back stronger, not because you are worse than me, just because of you.

When saying goodbye:

Jonathan said Bye dad, I love you. Robin told his son you can't imagine how much happiness you brought me;

The wife said Thank you for choosing to live. He told her that you are my lover and my life.

Some friends say that I feel like a very tough person. I look quiet, but I’m actually strong inside and have my own ideas... In fact, I think it’s a fair evaluation, but I’m a little overestimated. It can’t be said that I have ideas. It is said that it is conscious, but it has not been submerged, whether it is strong or hard on the inside, it is actually because the child is no longer, trying to keep the original intention of simplicity but no longer believing in the simplicity of the world, there will always be suffering in the world, but it is also true and therefore there is incomplete happiness. ...

Compared with Robin, compared with his wife, they are also far apart. They thought that they could no longer be simply described as being strong. That was too one-sided and too weak. They were powerful, from the surface to the core, every inch of their strength. Just like they not only allowed others to see miracles, but also promoted miracles to happen to more people... The value and meaning of some things can not only be evaluated one-sidedly, but to feel every bit of power and radiated energy. Every bit of streamer.

Take a breath, take a breath.

Not just to breathe, but to breathe!

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Extended Reading
  • Velda 2022-04-11 09:01:07

    70/100 The physical insufficiency and mental health of the protagonist of the story are fully demonstrated. When the path of this theme was blocked by the "principle of everything", Garfield and the heroine Claire Foy bravely carried out challenge. Garfield's handling of the role is more of a need to show the state of a polio patient than a parody, and the rise of the plot to universal values ​​is also an excellent handling of this film.

  • Jackson 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    3.8 stars. Adapted from a true story, without too much ups and downs and blood, it tells the life of a persistent wife and a husband who can't move from the neck down. It looks impressive enough.

Breathe quotes

  • Robin Cavendish: This chair pushing business. Is is hard to do over long distances?

    Diana Cavendish: Well, it's harder than a pram, I can tell you.

  • [arriving in Spain after flying out from Britain following the Cavendishes' emergency call and finding them partying obythe roadside despite the broken ventilator]

    Teddy Hall: You could at least have the decency to be on the point of death.