human heart, human nature, surname

Geo 2022-04-21 09:03:52

The country is vast and vast, there are fifty or six people, and there are more than one hundred families of surnames.
Huang Hai looks very passionate and bloody, but he is also very bleak and sad.
Strictly speaking, this is the story that the Chinese experienced in South Korea. The compatriots in Yanji in the background experienced such a reality, which is very sad compared to the great environmental contrast in Seoul.
The whole story revolves around the main line of money and women. Compared with power, these two things can be said to be what most men directly seek most. It's all life, and it's all the days that I survived by conforming to the flow, and the elements that I can decide on myself still account for a large part.
While lamenting Lao Mian's shattering fighting power, he also felt flustered by his indifference. As life passes by, I feel that I have become accustomed to it, and the mode of bystander is turned on too firmly.
After watching the film of the great god Sen, I have a lot of feelings. The film review will cheer up, starting from the bottom.

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Extended Reading
  • Ezekiel 2022-04-05 09:01:07

    I'm very curious about the background of this era. Gangsters use axes and fruit knives to slash people without a gun. Every knife is simple and shocking. The editing of the car chase scene is superb. That stubborn aura that kills and rushes to invincible is really rare now. Finally, I have to commend the actors. The protagonists and supporting roles are all at the level of movie kings.

  • Ruthe 2022-03-27 09:01:23

    Mian boss is mighty!

The Yellow Sea quotes

  • Gu-nam: Who's the boss here?