Michelin Love

Alexzander 2021-12-20 08:01:04

Isn't it because of clichés that the score is not high? But clichés also have cliché professional levels. This comedy has all the elements of a clichéd story, meeting each other without fighting, never knowing each other, smiling and turning enemies into relatives, and a win-win business. But no matter how many times such a story is told, I am still unconsciously willing to immerse in it and see how they move towards their happiness terminal step by step. What's more, Laise’s technique has always been warm and sweet, and the picture is beautiful. It is most suitable to taste it as an afternoon tea dessert. The character composition of the film is also quite novel. The emotional entanglement between a large family of Indians and two French women, as well as the game and war between Indian and French cuisine. The rhythm of the movie is relaxed and lively, full of wit. Before watching the movie, I was looking at the love of young men and women. I didn't expect to be amused by the two old guys crying and laughing. The Indian father, the head of the family with firm personality, has a unique vision and decisive decision-making. The French restaurant boss has an elegant demeanor and distinct loves and hates. The chefs on the two chopping boards, the two flavors of seasoning, finally, due to the generous heart and softness, reconcile the taste of the lips, teeth, and tongue into one. Watching their defense of the cuisine of their respective countries is awe-inspiring. The meal that "every bite can take you home" can not only fill the stomach, but also become "art and even science." This time, Disney took childishness and romance to the extreme. Not only did I feel the beauty and touch that "Ratatouille" once brought to me, the pastoral beauty and exquisite cuisine of the French town also made people feel refreshed. A movie I like very much?

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Extended Reading
  • Jedidiah 2022-03-30 09:01:05

    Beauty is beautiful, but not nutritious. 5

  • Ulises 2022-03-31 09:01:03

    Every bite takes you home

The Hundred-Foot Journey quotes

  • Papa: Madame, asking for discount doesn't mean I'm poor, it means I'm thrifty.

  • Hassan: [after tasting] Not enough cardamom.

    Mahira: Arrey, not enough gratitude.