The suicidal Noah's Ark and Paul's path to self-recovery

Saul 2021-12-17 08:01:10

In the movie Shrinking Life, Shrinking people collectively move to underground caves and completely cut off from the ground, which is basically a suicidal behavior.

1. The decision to move underground was made by scientist Qiaogen based on the analytical conclusions of a group of scientists, and scientists’ predictions are available every year. This analysis group has 26 Nobel Prize winners, composed of bacteriologists, environmentalists and other scientists. Due to the melting of icebergs caused by Antarctic methane, they came to the conclusion that humans are about to become extinct, which is what they call a species restart. , They want to move all the aboriginal people underground in order to continue research and preserve the future race. Moving to the bottom was a plan that had been started many years ago. Due to the methane incident, they felt that the time was right to act. Scientist Jorgen was emotional when he said this, and his wife supported him very firmly. But to the few people on the ship, the scientists' words did not seem to cause much disturbance, except for Paul.

Scientist Jorgen believes that mankind is about to be destroyed

2. Ronnie has appeared many times among the aborigines, and the wound on the corner of his mouth at the dinner of the aborigines indicates that he has some kind of disease. And this was foreshadowed in the previous clips. Neighbor Duchamp said that Ronnie would be a pick-up girl in the world, sooner or later, he would die of md. If this is really a disease like md, the infection and outbreak will be fatal to a small group of people enclosed in the ground.

Duchamp's prophecy

The wound on Ronnie's mouth

3. At the end of the conversation between Magnolia and Paul on the plane, Magnolia said, "Now you know what it's like to survive from the TV? When death is approaching, you will pay more attention to the world around you." The meaning of this sentence, Magnolia directly regarded entering the bottom as death.

4. From the perspective of a refuge and species preservation project, the preparation is not perfect and rigorous. How can you not even leave the exit to the ground? The aboriginal people of the Shrinkers all enter the underground, and then block the entrance, there is no return, this is not a routine operation of a scientific research project. They did not leave contact persons on the ground, did not leave themselves a way out, even the perfect system should have remedial measures. Whether this group of people are too confident in their own scientific research level and survivability, the behavior is indeed very crazy. And the start of this project, no media or organization in the world knows that reducing the aborigines is equivalent to quietly disappearing from the world. However, it is conceivable that once the talk of world extinction spreads, there will be a lot of people who want to join them like Paul. This small group of people is not so much a fire that wants to go to the world, it is more that they just want to give themselves Leave a way to survive. Judging from the staffing and animal and plant samples, this is not Noah’s Ark. The legendary Noah’s Ark carefully selected a variety of species, and it was indeed considered for the continuation of the species. Why did the aborigines think I can become the kind of fire that reproduces human beings all over the world. At this time, the aboriginal people of Shrinking People are different from the original scientific research team. They were in their prime years and were lucky and successful products in the shrinking experiment, but now among them Most of the people are middle-aged or even old, and young people are only a minority. And among the young people, there is a young man like Ronnie, who has not very good living habits. Can the underground medical conditions and resource reserves really support their lives? Judging from the visible situation alone, it is not enough.

It was wise for Paul to finally give up going underground. Paul wanted to go to the ground with the aboriginals because the aboriginals shouted in unison during the meal, we are ready, and were affected by the atmosphere of everyone, so he wanted to follow the ground. Paul has a strong desire to realize himself, because his life experience so far has been rather bizarre, divorced, shrunk, and then met some celebrities that he had never been in contact with before, so he felt that this was a secret. Zhong Destiny is pushing him to join such a plan. Paul wanted to follow the aborigines to the earth. In fact, it was just an emotional impulse, and the price he had to make for this impulse was to abandon his friend and lover Chen Yulan. When Paul told the other three people about his decision, the reaction was all against, and his neighbor and Condra told him ironically that he shouldn't follow those people. Those people are crazy people. The direct reason Paul finally gave up was that he found that the journey down to the end would not be so easy. One small detail is that after the buddy Paul asked kindly told him what was going to happen next, the buddy walked forward in great strides. Paul has not yet established a small group of relatives and friends among the aborigines, which means that among the aborigines, Paul will not get help like the current neighbor’s lover, and he does not know many details below, he is very reckless I decided to join without preparation. He will be lonely, he has to face all that to save the world on his own.

Why don't the other three people want to enter the cave? First of all, Magnolia is a very direct person. Her reason is that she wants to take care of friends in real life. For example, those friends in slums are the ones who really need to care. Magnolia will not leave her old friends without saying goodbye, she will return to his friends. As for Duchamp, he is a shrewd businessman. Duchamp’s values ​​are very clear. He believes that people shrink for the sake of material and enjoyment. From the beginning, he did not feel that shrinking himself is to protect the world and the earth. He also has a business plan for reselling luxury goods in partnership with his family, so how could he enter a closed cave where there is no high-value material demand, no supply from the adult world, underground utopia and absolute devotion? The spirit is not suitable for him. Condra and Duchamp are the same kind of people. Condra did not express his own views very clearly, but what is certain is that he will never leave his ship, and he will not go to a place without sea. These three people are very clear about their positioning and what they want.

And Paul is such a person, who has not positioned his life well and does not know what he wants, so he can easily follow the crowd. At the beginning, the probability of changing from big to small was very high because his wife wanted to change to a big house and was in short supply. His wife's needs were the direction he was striving for. After getting small and divorced, he lost himself all at once until he met Yulan. Yulan, very firm, infected him with her attitude and belief, maybe this is the reason why she fell in love with Yulan. So after meeting this group of fanatical aborigines, he was attracted again, and he thought it was a channel for him to realize himself. When Magnolia asked him if you ever wondered who she was, he hesitated obviously. He just has an impulsive mentality, that is, seeing that everyone wants to do it, then he wants to do it too. He feels that following such a group of people can find his own way.

Paul was attracted to Magnolia at first because he had a heart to help people. He saw that Yulan's legs were very inflexible, so he naturally wanted to help. This was a starting point for their understanding. As Magnolia said, he is an ordinary good person, and Paul himself did not realize this at first. Paul had just lived like a salted fish before. Magnolia could see his ordinary and helpful inner attributes at a glance. Paul didn't realize it until he walked into the cave below. Paul is impulsive. He didn't know whether he was suitable for such a challenging job. He actually didn't know the aboriginal people. It was only the second day after he knew the aboriginal people, and then he didn't actually know that he would go underground and live in the world. What does it take to be isolated? He hadn't considered these before. Finally, he resolutely returned to Yulan's side and returned to the real world. In the airplane, he would be fortunate that he was on the side of most people on the earth. Later, in the process of serving the people in the slums, he also understood that the choice he made was the right one.

In fact, the whole world has saved the world by shrinking its body together. When shrinking the body is just a personal act, or the act of a small group of people, it's just self-help. The picture above shows what his neighbors said before Paul and his wife made the decision to shrink. Then the aboriginal people who have moved into the ground become Schrödinger’s cats, life and death are still unknown, let alone save the world. Even if it is too early to move into the underground, the world has not yet reached the point of destruction.

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Extended Reading
  • Halie 2022-03-25 09:01:09

    After all, life cannot be reversed easily, and in fact, it does not need to be reversed.

  • Zelma 2021-12-17 08:01:10

    #tiff# The first half and the second half are completely two movies. The second half completely wastes the interesting setting of the previous one, talks about some inexplicable things, and forcibly solidifies the image of Asians. There are a lot of laughs, but they are all gags, and I can’t laugh most of the time.

Downsizing quotes

  • Ngoc Lan Tran: When you know death comes soon, you look around things more close.

  • Paul Safranek: He never struck me as the kind of guy who'd go get small. Wow!