
Jennie 2022-09-30 23:08:01

1. Fantasy, horror, children, puppets, adventures, such a mix and match are exceptionally harmonious. The 1982 movie has no staleness and is very rare.

2. The young plot is full of fun with the dark modeling, and the construction of the magical world is magnificent, with the charm of star wars.

3. The ending is full of meditation; the heroine sacrifices tragic and majestic colors; this is a cruel fairy tale dedicated to the adult world.

4. Disadvantage 1: Too much slow pace makes the excitement at a discount. Disadvantage 2: The outline of the villain's character is too vague. 6 points, recommended group: grotesque aesthetic lovers.

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The Dark Crystal quotes

  • Kira: [to Jen] Heal the Crystal!

  • Scientist: You're next, little Podling!

    [puts Podling in chair]

    Scientist: This won't hurt. We just want to drain your living essence. Then you can be the same as the other Podlings here, a slave.

    [turns to his assistant]

    Scientist: Open the wall!

    [wall opens revealing fiery shaft]

    Scientist: Now, Podling. Out there is the great shaft of the castle. Position the reflector.

    [reflector moves into position]

    Scientist: The reflector will capture the beams of the Dark Crystal floating high above. Look into the relfector, Podling. Feel the power of the Dark Crystal!

    [the reflector shines purple light into the Podling's eyes]

    Scientist: Mmm, yes, and now the beam will rid you of your fears... your thoughts... your vital essence.