Why isn't "Moonlight" a gay movie?

Thomas 2022-04-23 07:01:25

I don't understand why so many people are so reluctant to admit that this movie is gay or black in a very professional tone, it's really chilling.

1 Isn't Chiron being discriminated against and bullied by black people because of his homosexuality?

2 Isn't it because homosexuality has no status and is not recognized in the society that leads to Kevin's straight marriage?

3 These points even appear in their own responses

4 Regarding the racial discrimination against black people, it is either not directly reflected in the film or it has nothing to do with it. When looking at the mutual discrimination between black people and external discrimination together, those who are discriminated against will be discriminated against to those at a lower level. , should it not be subject to reflection?

5 Why is political correctness arousing displeasure among keyboard warriors? It is right to oppose discrimination and prejudice. These people not only do not reflect, but they also deprive them of their hats and labels to suppress them and use these excuses to cover up their discrimination. Even an anti-discrimination movie cannot be properly viewed, ridiculed or flattered.

This movie is about anti-discrimination, and there's nothing wrong with that.

It's a gay movie, but it's very obscure.

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Extended Reading
  • Orpha 2021-10-20 19:02:43

    A simple growth story, but the turbulent emotions are like ocean tides under the moonlight. It has nothing to do with skin color or sexual orientation. It is just about the growth of a boy, just like a person dancing the tango in "Happy Together", dancing and becoming what he is now. We will become people we can't imagine, but we will all remember the tide and moonlight of our first love.

  • Agustin 2022-03-17 09:01:03

    I like the interaction between the little boy and the drug lord the most, like a father but not like a father, young and ambiguous infatuation. But he just faded out of the lens so unexpectedly, it became a distant, sweet, untouchable dream.

Moonlight quotes

  • Kevin: It's Kevin. You do remember me, right?


    Black: Yeah.