
Precious 2022-04-20 09:02:55

In order to complete his expression, the director bluntly stuffed something into it, but it did not prevent this from being an excellent movie. The film "Shame" tells the story of a conflict between a Lebanese who experienced war as a child and a Palestinian refugee who went to work in Lebanon. Frankly speaking, "Shame" is not a classic movie, and it can be seen that the director is not unaware of the problems he committed. Because the characters in the first half of the movie are well done, and the characters are vivid. The problem is mainly where the expression is being promoted. The director wants to make it clear about the impact of the war on Lebanon: 1. The reconciliation between the two protagonists in the film uses a very naive detail. Both the Lebanese auto repair shop owner and Palestinian engineer chose to use German-made parts or machines, which became an opportunity for the director to shape the Lebanese people to understand Palestinian refugees and realize that they are a kind of people. This kind of design is really naive. The reason for this problem is that in order to shape the two into a strong opposite relationship, it is difficult to solve the contradiction between the characters in a reasonable way. It can only be cut from the point that both of them are serious and responsible for their work. . 2. The intentional expression of this kind of service is particularly evident in the trial stage. The deliberately designed father-daughter lawyer confrontation represents the different views of the new and old Lebanese generations towards the Palestinians. Deliberately asking the lawyers to draw out the past history makes the whole court trial seem very casual, and they often talk about social issues in the court that have nothing to do with the case. It can be said that the value of this film lies in its daring to reveal. Others, whether it is the play or the shooting, have no merits, but the presentation of the actors is not bad.

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Extended Reading
  • Albert 2022-04-24 07:01:26

    2018/6/9 (Sat) 16:50 Kaohsiung Cinema

  • Troy 2022-04-14 09:01:06

    There are shortcomings, including the car repair scene with a strong sense of design, the mentality change of the Lebanese brother is still a bit abrupt, and the intensity of the conflict can be stronger, and the confrontation between the two groups can be more acute. But on the whole, the flaws are not concealed. The political attitude is clarified in the deduction of the story and the court debates again and again. The freedom of speech and the power of speech, and the seditious fanaticism of the group are all displayed in the film.

The Insult quotes

  • Wajdi Wehbe: Wajdi Wehbe: No one has a monopoly on suffering.