Works by Isao Takahata

Chaim 2022-04-23 07:05:28

I don't know why many people always think that Takahata's works are Miyazaki's works, as if all good works are Miyazaki's.
This animation is similar to the Tomb of Fireflies in that it reflects the author's personal experience from many details of life. It is very good. This work makes me hope for the negative energy of the family, thinking that we are living in the first place. So trivial, and then get some unknowing happiness from the trivial, his works can always really penetrate into life and heart, I like it very much.

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Extended Reading
  • Gaetano 2022-03-26 09:01:14

    Friends who like "ちびまる子ちゃん" should like this animation, and friends who like "McDull Story" should also like this animation. The most unique style of animation produced by Studio Ghibli, with a rare strong hand-painted style. A family of three generations and five members, each of whom has a distinct personality and is full of wit, spreads the warmth of life in a pile of trivial and confused little things.

  • Theo 2022-04-24 07:01:25

    good looking. single line.

My Neighbors the Yamadas quotes

  • Haiku reader: Fleeting dreams / an octopus making its home in a trap / a summer moon.

  • [Noboru receives a call from a girlfriend]

    Haiku reader: The scent of plums / on a mountain path / suddenly dawn.