"Paris Naughty Gang": a cute little story

Fay 2022-09-06 11:01:19

"Paris Naughty Gang" is a story for children, and the story is about some annoying little things that are unique to children. The French romance and sentiment seem to have little place in this film, but they are on full display in this film.

The lively, naughty, cute and thoughtful Nikolai, the father who wants to gain the boss's trust for promotion, the mother who is not very confident in her identity as a housewife; the little bookworm, the naughty bag, the little fat man, the eldest young master... and in In Nikolai's life, the boss and his wife who appeared at a glance, the neighbor who likes to eavesdrop, the stern dean, the gentle class teacher, the little cunning girl... Everyone who appears in the story is vivid and vivid. cute.

It's a logically funny story, where every laugh is like a little story in life. Children have various worries about the future that are not real but full of childishness, and are afraid that they will be lost by their father if they have a new child, so in order to solve this crisis, they have come up with one after another "crooked ideas" to save themselves. Adults also have their troubles. Both father and mother hope to please father's boss in exchange for a promotion, but when inviting the boss and his wife to come to the house for dinner, mother made such a small mistake because she was too nervous and unconfident.

However, this and that little bugs in life were finally solved by yin and yang, and Nikolai no longer worried that the arrival of his younger brother would put him in danger; his father was appreciated by his boss; his mother regained her confidence.

The most interesting thing is that at the end of the story, I finally do a good job in my heart. Nikolai, who was looking forward to the arrival of this younger brother, has attracted a wrinkled little sister. In a few days, little Nikolai will meet this wrinkled little sister again. What's new cute little story about my little sister?

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