Make life worth living

Freeda 2022-10-03 19:56:33

I watched the movie One Week, and I burst into tears at the end~ After
watching it, I only had one thought: Make life worth living, it is time to take action~ It

is not a big movie, there is no vigorous plot, it can even be called simple and plain , There are not too many ups and downs, and it is even estimated that some people will complain about the boring movie after watching it
, but for me, it is a very good movie. . . It is precisely because of those outlooks on life that in my recent state of mind, there is a sense of resonance that directly points to my heart. . . And inspired me to change and act~

In short, it's about a man named BEN who was diagnosed with terminal cancer and what he did: canceled the wedding, bought an old motorcycle, and took a road trip by himself~
He gave to his fiancée The reason is: I don’t want to be a patient and be imprisoned immediately. I need a week of my own time to do what I want to do to
scratch off the paper cup that didn’t win the lottery. The above line reads, Go West Young Man, so I embark on a journey of go west. , There is only one direction, no destination.
Along the way is the pleasant natural scenery of Canada. Those open fields and desolate forests are beautiful because of the breath of freedom. The
motorcycle breaks down and the car rolls over, wakes up after a coma, and is pleasantly surprised To discover that he is still alive, and because of this, he dances like a madman in the eyes of others. Maybe only people who are dying will realize that

the meaning of such a wonderful journey is not only in the scenery along the way, but also in finding and discovering oneself. The process ~
We often only know what we don't want, but we don't know what we want most. When life is approaching, everything becomes clear and clear.
You just want to abandon the dull and boring life that you have been trying to escape, and leave People you don't really love, want to do those crazy things that you've always wanted to do but haven't dared to do, or even pursue your childhood dreams that were illusory and unreal. . .

The most touching thing is the sentence at the end of the movie,

"For those precious Qingming moments, those bits and pieces that you have learned in the quiet years, you will want to try your best to keep them. When life is dark, they can bring bright hope, and the empty big truth seems esoteric. The true meaning of life is false and confusing. In the end, the most essential question should always be:

What would you do if you know you only have one day or one week or one month to live? Or a month, what are you going to do?

What life boat would you grab onto ? What keeps you going?

What secret would you tell? What secrets would you tell?

What band would you see? Which band played?

What person would you declare you love to? Who else would you like to confess to?

What wish would you fulfill? And those unfulfilled wishes to fulfill?

What exotic locate would you fly to for a coffee? Which exotic coffee shop would you like to try?

What book would you write ? I have never been an actionist, and I have always admired and envied some people around me who dare to think and do. I feel that many people are always determined to win, where they want to go, what they want to do, and the people they want to see. Too much sense of urgency constrains your actions, coupled with poor independence, you miss a lot of experience...

In the past month, due to the general environment and some things happening around me, I feel that the topics I think about and discuss with others mainly revolve around: life, death, depression, end-of-life feelings, all of which are some deep and heavy issues.
Sometimes I feel that those who want to commit suicide People may know that when their time is short, their perspective on life is no longer the same. Just like in Veronica Decides to
Die In 2012, she said that she really had a little bit of faith, so recently, I traveled wildly to the places I wanted to go "regardless of the consequences", just because I was afraid

that I would never have a chance again. group. . .
But after watching this movie, I did, for the first time, immediately recklessly booked a flight to San Francisco and a two-day Hostel, planning a solo trip, and I also Go West!
(In the eyes of others, it's just that I finally made a decision after grinding for a long time. For me, it is like Armstrong's "big step" on the moon)
Because I have never dared and did not want to travel alone, but now suddenly I think it's good to experience it. How do you know if you like it or not without trying? If you don't know if it works, you just say no, but why not?
I don’t want to listen to the cold-blooded words from others, for example, every time I am hesitating, there are always people around me whispering “It’s not safe to be alone”, “How messy the hostel is”, “It’s boring to play alone. Ah"
But this time I don't want to worry about it, I just want to find out through my own trying~

Mainly after watching the movie, I know what I want and what I want to do right away. . . Just to travel, get out of here, experience life!
Every time I come back from a trip, I feel that my daily life is boring and uninteresting, and I am wasting my life, but then I am still wasting my life. . .
I miss standing on the streets of Las Vegas last winter, in the "miracle" snow, the excitement and joy of those pedestrians. . . I miss the short but romantic time in Lijiang in summer, and the excitement of seeing a little snow on the top of the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain in the mysterious veil. . . Looking at many travel photos, I have the urge to cry. . .
Now I feel that where I go is not the most important thing, the important thing is the experience, it is good to simply go to the Golden Gate Bridge to blow the sea breeze~

The movie quoted a poem by Lord Alfred Tennyson that was also quoted in "Dead Poets Society"
We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven; that which we are, we are;
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

"To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."
Before, I really wanted to buy an iPod and engrave this line of lettering on it, but later found that it was too long to engrave. . .
Now I think Make life worth living is not bad. It's concise and concise~ I

don't want to be a utopian, I want to be an activist.

I hope that when I come back from this trip, I can also find, understand, and understand the true meaning of my own life

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before the trip to San Francisco on 11.25.2009

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Extended Reading

One Week quotes

  • Narrator: When you get those rare moments of clarity, those flashes when the universe makes sense, you try desperately to hold on to them. They are the life boats for the darker times, when the vastness of it all, the incomprehensible nature of life is completely illusive. So the question becomes, or should have been all a long... What would you do if you knew you only had one day, or one week, or one month to live. What life boat would you grab on to? What secret would you tell? What band would you see? What person would you declare your love to? What wish would you fulfil? What exotic locale would you fly to for coffee? What book would you write?

    [Written on a black board: "To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield."]

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: What would you do if you knew you only had one day, or one week, or one month to live?

    Doctor: I'm afraid it's not great news. We've picked up cancerous cells in your blood, your liver, and your lymph nodes. We need to get you into treatment right away.

    Ben Tyler: How bad is it?

    Doctor: It's stage four.

    Ben Tyler: How many stages are there?

    Doctor: Four.