The same planet, different worlds, their own wonderful

Johnathan 2022-10-29 06:24:31

I've been looking forward to this movie for a long time, but I still didn't expect it to be so good. It turns out that the life of the worms is also so wonderful and interesting:

the slow snail will embrace and kiss with hot passion;
the dung beetle will push the food several times its size persistently, even if it is popped out of the ground One of the branches of the tree blocked it, and we had to try to push it from different directions, and the things must be taken away;
a group of caterpillars gnawed the leaves side by side, a sound came, and everyone looked up together;
the spider (like this guy) was Take water droplets from the water to make their own restaurant, and eat in it.
Mosquitoes emerge from the water, and their movements are elegantly like dancing ballet.
And those little bugs that slide on the water can actually prevent the water from stirring. Ripples, it

's really amazing... When I watch it, I don't feel like I'm watching "animal world", no, this term is too unpleasant, we are watching other lives on the same planet as us life scene. As if seen by them without us knowing. Like us, they have love, hate, struggle, and harmony. Like us, they love beauty and save face, but they also have oolong moments.

We live on the same planet as them, but we have different worlds with their own splendor. Hope this kind of excitement can last forever.

The background music of the movie is very simple, there is no narration, except for the music that fits the scene, sometimes it is the sound of the beating of the wings of the insects, and the sound of the beak touching the ground when the big bird pecks the poor ants.

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Extended Reading

Microcosmos quotes

  • Narrator (English version): [beginning narration] A meadow in early morning, somewhere on Earth. Hidden here is a world as vast as our own, where the weeds are like impenetrable jungles, the stones are mountains, and even the smallest pond becomes an ocean. Time passes differently here: an hour is like a day, a day is like a season, and the passing of a season is a lifetime. But to observe this world, we must fall silent now, and listen to its murmurs.

  • Narrator (English version): [ending narration] The night gives way once more. Nothing will stop what's now in motion, what hides in shadow, what searches forward, what flutters toward the light. Here, where time is measured out in moments, and new lives emerge from darkness, a day begins like any other. Beyond anything we can imagine, and yet almost beneath our notice.