art would vanquish appetite? hope so

Ransom 2022-04-22 07:01:48

I was recommended to watch this movie a few years ago and I didn't care. Now I like dancing and then watch Shall we ダンス Trying to find the possibility of art and life

fusion Ego is really jumping to the point of sweating, exhausting, forgetting to eat dinner, but also full of energy

, a girl who dances together, a little girl with a raised butt, a dark skin, a loose t-shirt and sweatpants while dancing, very healthy and lively, hip-hop, Indian dance I have learned every step of the way and I am confident in every gesture. I secretly admire her

. A lady who dances with her is a tall man with two circles of flesh on her stomach. She wears a sweater and jeans when she dances. The son who came to the dance studio, I wondered what she could gain from dancing. Does

her husband not buy him a vest and sweatpants? I guess so

or is she so tired of her life that she can't even try to be someone else in a few hours of dance class?

And why are all the women and men who come to dance?

Men are caught up in life, can I take a look at art like Yakusho Koji? Even if you can sweat a lot on the basketball court, you still go to dinner shirtless because most men

don't think there is a need for self-mutilation when looking in the mirror

The purpose of the union of the turbid woman is to use the mellow and sweet air of the woman to cleanse the vulgarity of the man, and the world's feelings are more anti-married

. The girl is in her most mellow and fragrant years, and the lady who brought her son to dance has no trace of her breath. It may be stained with her husband's turbidity, but she is determined to dance to find her freshness through art.

Of course, it will be easier for her to find it. Difficulty - A woman's perception of the passing of youth is not the desolation she looks back after climbing the mountain, but the irreversible feeling of powerlessness as the water flows east.

In the movie, Koji Yakusho was fortunate to be infected and trained by the teacher of dance, so what about ordinary women in life?

Art is a castle guarding our natural air

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Extended Reading
  • Roy 2022-03-27 09:01:19

    Humanity wins, and everyone has a story behind it.

  • Roel 2022-03-27 09:01:19

    You still draw out my arms

Shall We Dance? quotes

  • Mai Kishikawa: This may sound rude, but I hope you don't join the class with me as your goal.

  • Mai Kishikawa: A weak first step transmits nothing.