War distorts

Ottilie 2021-10-19 09:48:20

Starting to enter the Marine Corps training camp, the instructors called them roundworms, constantly torturing, and constantly insulting. When the patience reaches the limit, it is very terrible. In Pike's later expression, only anger is seen. And the flames of revenge. After killing the instructor, the revenge has been completed, and his sudden wakefulness made him swallow his gun without hesitation. The "Born to kill" graduates. The
old beauties on the battlefield are sad for the sacrifice of their comrades. After grief, they began to commit to killing others. The war has distorted them, and the killing has been numb. They persistently believe that the killing is to help the country, and they can ruthlessly pull the trigger on unarmed women and children, and they are very satisfied. When others pull the trigger at them, they are extremely angry. Are you the only ones who are old and beautiful, but the Vietnamese are not people?
When the clown finds the sniper, the sniper turns around for a moment. The sniper's childishness is not released. There is only anger on her face, which does not match the anger of her age. The war allowed her to pick up a weapon at an age that should be carefree and turn into a cold-blooded killing machine.
Finally, the old beauty sang cheerfully. They are not wrong, they are persistent. People think that their killing was to liberate this country. In fact, they have brought a deeper disaster to this country. Their human nature has been distorted.

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Extended Reading
  • Cleora 2021-10-20 18:59:12

    ——Your hat says a natural killer and a peace badge on your uniform. Is this a cold joke? ——I just want to raise the duality of people.

  • Coralie 2022-03-22 09:01:09

    There are two distinct parts. The first half of the scene between the fat brother and the instructor is so fond of it that you can barely look at it when you watch it, but the so-called cruel description of the Vietnam War or the analysis of human nature in the second half is basically commonplace. The motif. Coupled with previous works such as Apocalypse Now, Deer Hunters, Taxi Drivers, etc. describing and reflecting on the Vietnam War, Kubrick's work seems like a "follow the trend."

Full Metal Jacket quotes

  • [the recruits have administered a "sock party" beating on Private Pyle]

    Private Cowboy: Remember, this was all just a bad dream, fat boy!

  • [an ARVN pimp and his hooker drive towards the Marines]

    ARVN pimp: Do you want number one fuckee?