The river thaws, the trees grow, and the wound will eventually heal

Roel 2022-01-08 08:01:08

#雪碧看电影# Kenel Mudluzzo "Fragment of Woman" 2020: ???? Compared with other strong plot movies, the film did not deliberately create the grief of losing a child, including omission, restraint and distance The feeling is rare and precious.

The film uses lines to highlight the main point: This is a story about a woman, about Martha. After the beginning of the 20-minute long-shot segment ends, the story enters a new paragraph and rhythm. After the accident, the heroine's first shot is that she is wearing a red coat and walking on the way to work, with a strong face.

The repeated repetition of the bridge was rebuilt a little bit. Martha’s actions in buying apples, smelling apples, eating apples, going to bookstores to buy planted books, and planting apple seeds in person are all about "how to get out of the pain of losing a child". With metaphors and externalized expressions, she finally stood on this bridge and scattered her daughter's ashes to the sea.

The sprouting of the apple seeds cultivated by Sarah seems to represent the continuation of her daughter’s life in a different way. It also proves that she is not incapable of "bringing" life; at the end of the movie, the little girl climbed the apple tree, which also appeared many times in the film. Apple echoed back and forth.

The love between the senior woman and the construction worker lost the efforts of both parties. Sean was bought by a cheque from Martha's mother, without mentioning love, and disappeared since then.

Sarah took advantage of the trial to go to the photo studio to take photos. The tearful catharsis in the red darkroom may be one of the few external revelations of her entire film.

In the first half of the film, I, who is also a woman, felt the suffocation and despair under the skin numbness. It was not until the river thaw and the trees grew over time that I felt that no matter what kind of pain in life, time Without stopping, life will continue, but the wounds will always heal slowly and people will only become stronger as they continue to rush forward.

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Pieces of a Woman quotes

  • Judge: Yes, how did you feel holding your baby you had just given birth to?

    Lane: She smelled like an apple.

  • Elizabeth: [to Sean] I've always been meaning to ask you: how is it you can build a bridge, when you can't tell time?