Every ghost you are afraid of may be someone who thinks about it. . .

Janelle 2022-10-02 23:35:53

Life is a process full of regrets. Learning, life, work, and feelings are always like this. When you have choices, you will have shortcomings. I have no time to say sorry. I’m ashamed of my love. I feel owed and lost myself, I feel confused. A complex human society is always one problem after another problem, one trouble after another, as if it would never stop until the day of leaving, but when it comes to the day of parting, you can really let it go and forget it. Death is not the end of forgetting, this is life. . .

Ghost Whisperer Season 1 (2005)
2005 / United States/ Fantasy/Dictionary/John Gray/ Jennifer Love Hewitt David Conrad

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Ghost Whisperer quotes

  • Melinda Gordon: Will my son be able to do what I do?

    Carl Sessick: No

    Melinda Gordon: Okay

    Carl Sessick: He'll be able to do much, much more

  • Jim Clancy: Is that what your life has become one big party?

    Melinda GordonAiden Lucas: Yes!