Its epochal significance cannot be ignored.

Hosea 2022-01-08 08:01:25

A movie that allows me to see how much disaster the financial crisis has brought to ordinary Americans. I think this film, the director wants to tell us is: the financial crisis is not a natural disaster, not an uncontrollable disaster, but a man-made disaster caused by the greed of human nature.
Some people criticized the director’s subjectivity, others criticized the film as speaking from the standpoint of people whose interests have been harmed, but I am fortunate that I, a socialist ordinary citizen, can see the world’s richest country in peace. People of my class told me that their current life situation. This film slightly stung my vision for the future, allowing me to reflect on my present, my living environment, and pay attention to our political and economic system. I can’t help but say that it is like a vacuum cleaner, let me understand that the sense of security we think of is always self-righteous. The 1% at the tip of the pyramid resembles the director of Goldman Sachs in the United States.
In fact, I have never known this, but when I showed it to my eyes again, I never expected the status quo to be so shocking, so large, and so out of control. Most of them are not aware of it. Perhaps only at this moment will reflection be aroused, and the impact of the financial crisis will be taken seriously.

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Extended Reading
  • Alessandra 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Don't say that this is just the complaints of angry youths in the United States, many things can be linked to domestic affairs. The United States is so introspective, and China should.

  • Orland 2022-04-24 07:01:16

    Socialism or something is a total romance liar!

Capitalism: A Love Story quotes

  • Israelite: You say the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand. But when exactly will it be?

    Jesus: When you deregulate the banking industry.

  • Man with palsy: Please help me. I've been this way for over 20 years.

    Jesus: I'm sorry. I cannot heal your preexisting condition. He'll have to pay out of pocket.