Western spirit

Emie 2021-10-19 09:49:52

I have always been unable to lift the spirits of westerns, but it took me three hours to finish watching the westerns from the 1960s. It was still a gloomy tone, dust filled the sky, and loud gunshots, but it changed my unreasonable aversion to westerns. Yes, I admit that my disgust is unfounded, because I haven't seen the best westerns before. The good, the bad and the ugly, what a good name, it happens to be translated as "The Good, the Bad and the Ugly". In modern Chinese, "The Good, the Bad and the ugly" clearly refers to "the person who used to provide bodyguards for goods traveling or in transportation." It is equivalent to a modern shipping company, and the movie describes the story of three lone men looking for treasure, which is totally irrelevant. I’m a person who doesn’t like to read the introduction in advance, and almost missed a good movie because of this ghost name. (1) The ugly has some difficulties in recognizing foreign faces, so in order to get into the movie earlier, I always pay special attention to the close-ups of the faces that appear after the opening of the movie, when I haven't figured out who the protagonist is. When the three cowboys approached the farmhouse from two directions, they looked like enemies but not friends, and the raging air predicted what would happen. Unexpectedly, the three people suddenly rushed into the same door, but within a second or two, several gunshots were fired. The glass of the window was broken, and a round head was poked out. Some panicked and fled extremely quickly. During the pause, the subtitles played "the ugly", and the three cowboys just now all fell in the farmhouse. I was relieved. The director knew my confusion. From the beginning, he “concluded the conclusion” of good and evil. He was suspected of raping public opinion, but it saved me from worrying about those strange faces and saved a lot of trouble (2) The bad took Baker's 500 dollars to kill people, robbed the dead people of 1,000 dollars, and killed Baker. The beautiful name is "Receiving money, helping others eliminate disasters." It is actually the deadly poison in the bones. Shooting from the pair of triangular eyes, the appearance of the bad is uncontroversial. (3) The good Just as I was looking forward to the good's appearance, the ugly appeared again. The Police Department offered a reward of $2,000 to capture the bad, and the three farmers were about to succeed. "Mantis catches the cicada, and the sparrow is behind." The good appeared. He caught the ugly, collected the bounty from the police department, and shot the rope on the gallows with a gun to save the ugly. He, even the ugly gang, colluded to deceive the government's bounty. This "comedy" was staged again and again, until the good thought the ugly was not worth the higher bounty. Abandon the ugly with his hands tied on the sand in the wild 70 miles away from the town, and the good drove away... The good is a blond, and the ugly calls him that from beginning to end, 1.93 meters tall, cowboy Hat, trench coat, young Clint Eastwood is so handsome. He is not a good person in the usual sense, but he seems to be a good person who has not lost his heart. Sometimes he loves to make fun of the villain, because his naive nature does not know that "the villain cannot be offended", so he almost lost his life. So far the three main protagonists have all appeared, and the following story will develop in two lines: the bad is one, and the ugly and the good are the other. (4) The ending of the story. The final duel of the three people took place in the empty cemetery. The rotating shots repeated between the close-ups of the three people’s faces and the close-ups of the hands reaching to the holster. The accompanying theme music pushed the film forward. The climax, leaving enough time for the audience to sit on various assumptions about the upcoming ending. The good is the only person who knows the name of the tombstone. The bad and the ugly can only hit each other's ideas. What about the good? If I were the good, who would my bullets fly to? At this time, I drove a small business to study the looks of the three people carefully, especially to compare the size of their eyes. In terms of eye size, the good played by Clint Eastwood is the smallest. His deep eyes are always squinted, seeming to be pierced by the sun, but no one can deny that he is the most handsome. It turns out that handsome foreigners do not rely on big eyes and double eyelids... Before I got back to my senses, the gun sounded and the bad fell. The good draws his gun and shoots quickly and is very concealed, while the ugly gun is in the gun. The bullet had been taken away by the good the night before. The reason why a good man is a good man is that he will not use any means to achieve his goal, he will not kill innocent people indiscriminately in order to destroy the enemy, and he will not have widespread greed. The good would naturally not kill the ugly, but he did not miss this good opportunity to tease him. So again, the A rope was placed around Ugly's neck, and the good, who rode his horse away, turned and shot. The rope broke, and the Ugly's head hit the rock hard. But waiting for him to end well, the good left half of the gold for him. (5) The real and funny villain director gave him a lot of black and humorous lines, which made this rude and insignificant rogue at first look a little funny, and because of the truth he began to be likable. ——There are two kinds of people in the world, one is hanging, the other is cutting off the sling. ——There are two kinds of Spurs in the world, one is through the front door, the other is through the back door, hehe — if you can’t hit it, you’d better just kill me, you don’t know me very much, hum — —If you work to live, why do you have to be exhausted to live — Potatoes, hum, people who eat potatoes must be poor people — In the ghost place where we grew up, if you don’t want to starve to death, except To be a priest is to be a bandit. You choose your way, I also chose mine, and my choice is much harder than yours. ——I'm full, isn't my brother good? A homeless man like me, no matter what happens, just go to my brother and take care of three meals a day. ——When you want to shoot, just shoot, don’t talk nonsense——how much? ? You got it wrong, buddy. I’m not asking how much this gun is. I’m asking how much you can give me. Compared with the bad and the good, the villain is more versatile. He was vicious and cunning when he "robbed" the gun shop. Killed the farmer who had recently avenged his revenge while taking a bath, let’s say: when you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk, Not disappointed. Follow the good to blow up the bridge to find gold on the other side of the river, objectively saving thousands of lives; one minute ago he arrogantly wanted to torture good people to death, the next minute he smiled for the whereabouts of the gold. All the good things are said, a face that is only profitable; after seeing his brother for a long time, the truth flashes, it is that he is the most ordinary brother, telling the helplessness of life; creeping on the rails, let the train wheels crush the iron in his hands Chain, this method is cruel and undoubtedly effective; before and after killing, he always "hypocritically" crosses his chest; when he finds the purpose of the sad Po, he rushes happily on the wormwood green, shuttles among the tombstones in the forest, Searching for the target in a slight panic, the kind of madness about money... Silently, I hope this villain can return to his hometown and use this little money to be a normal person other than priests and robbers. (6) People with good war background and villains pretend to be the southern army and the northern army on the opposite side to greet them. They judged by the gray military uniforms. Unexpectedly, the dust was slapped away, and the opponent showed blue military uniforms. By mistake, he The two became prisoners of the Northern Army. The general environment of the times is inseparable from any individual. No matter how maverick cowboys are, their destiny has been repeatedly involved in the Civil War. What is war? Are the two armies stationed at both ends of the bridge, attacking each other, killing and wounding more than a thousand people, in order to protect the integrity of the bridge? Is it the belief of a soldier who knows the meaninglessness of war and cannot be freed from this extremely absurd massacre to defend the honor of the soldier? "I have never seen so many people die meaninglessly." A good man's words expressed the director's aspirations. In the northern army barracks, the bad guys beat the prisoners under the cover of music (the villain), and tears lie in the eyes of the violinist... Under the blessings of the Western movie "Good guys do not die", the good is always the luckiest one. Bit. The artillery of the North and South War allowed him to get rid of the noose prepared for him by the ugly calmly; Bill Carson's last words made him miraculously survived in the desert. We like this arrangement. It makes us ignite the faith of justice in our hearts and gain some courage to live in the cruel real life. (7) Western spirit Cowboy spirit, or Western spirit, is more appropriate, and it has a mystery to me. What exactly is it? Is it that even if the bad guys kill people like hemp, they don’t kill women? Is it a good man to put his windbreaker on a dying soldier and hand him a lit cigar? Or is it the iconic music, the mutual accompaniment of the harmonica, whistle and trumpet, full of wildness and inferiority, or even cynicism? Is there or is the monotonous repetitive sound of horseshoes on the Gobi Desert?

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Extended Reading
  • Aric 2022-03-23 09:01:09

    After reading it, I felt like ugly threw a gold coin at the feet of the handsome Dongmu, the master squinted his eyes and shot me a cigar. I covered my heart: Ah! Give me a link to where you can buy these beautiful clothes!

  • Betsy 2021-10-20 18:59:00

    I'm sleeping for 3 hours now I really want to hit someone

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly quotes

  • Tuco: [trying to read a note] "See you soon, id... " "idi... "

    Blondie: [taking the note] "Idiots".

    [He hand the note back to Tuco]

    Blondie: It's for you.

  • Tuco: [to Corporal Wallace] I like big fat men like you. When they fall they make more noise. And sometimes they never get up.