
Jordane 2022-01-06 08:02:08

The plot is similar to Avatar, but closer to history. A Viking boy was adopted by an Indian and grew up, but he met his own tribe. The killing, blood, and battle awakened his own inner identity. In the end, living with the heroine, but not belonging to the two tribes.

After watching the movie, I already knew or guessed that the tribe that adopted him would be killed. However, when I saw the expected scene, my tears still raged. The village was burned, the heads of the men were hung on the city gates, and the women wiped away their tears, swallowed their hatred, and fleeed with their children. And the patriarch who was torn to pieces predicted the fate of his successor and the man who did not belong to either party. Sigh, when I saw it, I remembered my ancestors. When Zhang Xiumei was uprising, the ancestors fled to the mountain with his family. When will I have time to sort out his story? . .

The film also involves the Kura circle, Indian dance, and the very embarrassing Viking language. . . .

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Extended Reading
  • Mariane 2022-01-06 08:02:08

    The plot is very simple. It is the lonely white Indians fighting against the Viking pirates. The male protagonist is similar to Rambo. The guerrilla tactics used are proficient. The whole film is full of blood and violence. Everything else seems dispensable. Reluctantly take a look.

  • Weston 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Pearl TV screened the translated name ≪The Battle of the Dragon≫. The special effects are good, but the plot is a bit hilarious.

Pathfinder quotes

  • Starfire: There are two wolves fighting in each man's heart. One is Love, the other is Hate.

    Ghost: Which one wins?

    Starfire: The one you feed the most.

    [they kiss]

  • Pathfinder: You have become the Pathfinder for the Dragon People. Good!

    Ghost: I'm dying.

    Pathfinder: Don't complain to me about it!