Some complaints about this film (including spoilers)

Turner 2022-01-08 08:02:35

I still like Amir Khan's movies, but I can’t help but complain about this movie. The sub-items are as follows:

1. Like general Sino-foreign joint venture movies, international stage + Indian core characters, in short So, I am a thief like a great Indian god, and only a policeman like my great Indian god can handle it
. 2. After the background is explained in the opening 10 minutes, I basically enter the Indian movie mode. The large amount of slow motion is so disgusting. This kind of anti-physics, anti-gravity action scene, Newton does not cry, stands still. A few shots were cut into GIFs, and a marketing account with a good number of fans should be able to post a Weibo account, which should have been reposted by 5000.
3. The double-in-hand method in "Fatal Magic" was pretty exciting when it was first revealed, but unfortunately This terrier has never been able to play any more exciting tricks, and of course it can't reach the height of "Deadly Magic".
4. In the first 40 minutes, Amir Khan basically rounded his eyes and tightened his face. The original rich expression was completely wasted. Fortunately, the setting of a substitute allowed him to compare two contrasting people in the second half. The performance is more adequate.
5. The excitement of this type of film should be how the police lay the net, and the thief tears the cracks in the net, and then the audience waits with doubts for the pleasure of the movie to reveal the answer; but this is in this film It didn't show up at all, and the theft part was barely mentioned. Instead, after the theft was completed, the Asan-style action scene was used to escape.
6. Similarly, the core character, the police x the thief's duel, is not a duel between the two sides, but the two opened Asan against A in the river.
7. The BMW motorcycle that smashed into the sky, is it really not that the goods in "GI joe" went to the wrong set? ? But it is for me to explain how the translated name Phantom Chasing came from.
8. The heroine is the most beautiful actress in Indian movies I have ever seen.
9. Like all Indian movies, singing and dancing are indispensable. It seems that the budget of the film is quite sufficient. Compared with the previous Indian movies, the part of singing and dancing is much more popular. There are about 5 scenes of singing and dancing (not detailed), and people who don't like singing and dancing & have a lot of urine are the gospel.

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  • Stanford 2022-03-17 09:01:05

    Haha, I finally finished the movie of Amir Khan, and we must give our group a compliment to the talented people.

  • Ned 2022-03-29 09:01:06

    What never changes in Indian movies is the large-scale dancing. I don’t know Indian culture personally, so I really have no way of understanding why there are so many dances in any one movie. The story is good, the stunts are not bad, really good, it is very good that Asia can do such stunts. But... Is it possible to use slow motion in a large area without special effects? - - # It's good to use it once, but it's been used for a long time.