What is self-confidence

Claudie 2022-01-06 08:02:01

What is self-confidence?
With the friendship and love carefully arranged by Walter, Brandon, no, it was Anthony who took his ability to the extreme, so that it became a legend for the staff to make decisions for themselves.
But as Walter told him the truth at the 2.5 million celebration meeting, he really realized that he was just a pawn at Walter's arbitrary mercy, or Walter said it himself. Friendship is just a cover. I think Anthony thought of this when Walter pretended to have a heart attack at the airport, but he still believed that teaching him how to communicate with big people was the pretend purpose, and now, it is.
Then he hopes to seek comfort in love. You are only worth 5000, arranged by your friend. When she turns around, I think his psychological defenses have completely collapsed, friendship and love are all in vain, and the chess piece is his true identity.
Why Walter arranged these illusions for Anthony, I think the biggest reason is that he himself is a gambler, he knows all the weaknesses of the gambler. Toni's last words are so similar to his own at the gambling meeting, which is both ironic and echoing. And from the beginning of the conversation between Anthony and Emil, I feel that Anthony has also become a gambler, gambling with other people’s money, his own reputation and even his life.
The most direct manifestation is that after Brandon appeared, Walter's distrust of Toni, his own low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence (well, I admit that I read these two words from the comments of the bean friends, but I also agree with you. You. It can be considered that I deliberately catered to the topic, but this is my understanding, those who disagree are welcome to correct) slowly show it, and finally reach the peak when I see the two enter the room. I think Walter must have lived a very painful life, because he has always known his low self-esteem, but as a boss he has to behave handily.
Therefore, he formulated a series of solutions for Brandon according to his own weaknesses. Facts have proved that they are indeed effective. Thinking about it now, even buying an elephant for Julia is like an elaborate design for Brandon. But after seeing through the falsehood, there is a greater inferiority and unconfidence, which began to appear after Brandon's mother hung up the phone until she understood the whole truth.
When Alexander finished speaking and turned around, I kept thinking: What is self-confidence?
Although kept in the dark and played around like a chess piece, I feel that this is the life I want. This is the most real thing. There are so-called friendship and love, and family affection on the phone side, so as to achieve 1000% accuracy rate; but once you understand the truth, you are so fragile.
Walter spotted Brandon’s talent and recognized his weaknesses, but the method was wrong. He thought that as long as he gave Brandon an illusory beauty, he could be at his mercy. It was true, but he forgot the final price. . This may be a way Walter deceived himself for eighteen years.
Brandon saw through the illusion and realized that he could no longer be Anthony when he saw the truth, so he used Brandon's way to hope to save something, but is that really Brandon? Of course not, that's just a gambler. Looking at the expression he pouted when he passed the paper to Walter, it seemed to tell us that he didn't even believe the result. Looking at his smile after flipping a coin in the toilet, that's the real Brandon-Brandon who would consider "what if"-in contrast to Anthony during the victory.
Since when did he want to leave? Maybe since he realized that he and Walter are not the same people, when was that? When Walter talked to Brandon about the excitement of gambling, Walter kept saying that I want you to know, you can feel-he thought they were the same kind of people-the nature of the gambler, Anthony may be, but Brandon Absolutely not. So when he saw a group of gamblers watching the game in the office, Brandon chose to leave-he had regained his nature, a person who played sports and loved sports. The smile after seeing the result of the game in the terminal contains the smell that should have been so long ago, and it also contains a kind of relief for everyone to trust him.
So where does Brandon's confidence come from? Loving and sincere.
So, what exactly is self-confidence? Before writing these words, I hope to find out after writing, but in the end I only understand that self-confidence needs to come from something, whether it is real or illusory.
From when I realized that I was like a god when I was confident, and like a dog when I was not confident, I kept thinking about (xia) and test (xiang), hoping to solve what self-confidence is once and for all, but when I finished writing the last paragraph Giving up, I started to think about where my confidence could come from.
After reading it, I felt that some parts of the plot were very abrupt, especially the accuracy of the prediction dropped. I don't know if my innocent IQ didn't understand it or how it dropped, so it was four stars.

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Extended Reading
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  • Lucie 2022-03-26 09:01:09

    Have I ever seen a movie exactly like this one before? Maybe there is, maybe that's the one, I don't know, movies like this are like tiles on the sidewalk, one after the other, no character, nothing outstanding, I can't remember that much

Two for the Money quotes

  • Walter Abrams: [Sees Brandon's good bye letter on the dresser in his apartment] He left.

    Toni Morrow: I know.

    Walter Abrams: You didn't tell me? How about that? No "good bye", nothing.

    Toni Morrow: I'm sure it's all there in the letter.

    Walter Abrams: I'm sure it is but I wonder what's not in here.

    Toni Morrow: What do you mean?

    Walter Abrams: What do you mean? "What do I mean?"

    Toni Morrow: He had enough he wanted his life back.

    Walter Abrams: He said that to you?

    Toni Morrow: Yeah, loud and clear by leaving.

    Walter Abrams: I think there was something else.

    Toni Morrow: Yeah, tell me.

    Walter Abrams: You have no idea? I guess Brandon was home sick or maybe he had such deep feelings for me that he couldn't face saying good bye.

  • Walter Abrams: [after bursting into his office] We've got to go to Puerto Rico

    Brandon Lang: [after putting mother on hold] What's in Puerto Rico?

    Walter Abrams: C.M. Novian just called he lives in Puerto Rico, his the biggest sports better in the world. We have hit the jack pot, he wants to have a sit down and talk with you.

    Brandon Lang: I got it how much time we got? Forty five minutes the plane leaves LaGuardia, what'd you know about this guy?

    Walter Abrams: Not much except he is a world class prick he wouldn't return my phone calls treated me worse than my Hong Kong tailor, you know how long I've been trying to "bag" this guy? Have you got any idea what this thing is worth?

    Brandon Lang: No but I want a bonus if we pull this off.

    Walter Abrams: Not "if", it's "when", remember, he called us, you hooked him.