A good movie that should not be underestimated

Hayley 2022-01-07 15:53:34

This film integrates the standards of many good movies. The plot of arresting people seems calm but exciting. The actors' performances are also very precise. The ending is quite surprising. The director is good at telling stories. The details are just right. The psychological changes of each character in this incident have been revealed, and in the end, they left room for recollection and thinking from an ethical point of view. China really lacks such a genre film with a clear style and a good narrative. The low rating may be that this type of movie is not so popular, but it should be at least 7.8 or 9.

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Extended Reading
  • Christina 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    The whole movie really magnifies the bishop's halo infinitely. Michelle Yeoh actually came to the crew to be a martial arts instructor. .

  • Raphaelle 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    2 and a half stars, the 90-minute rhythm is just right, but unfortunately the ending is not exciting enough, bland to tasteless.

Morgan quotes

  • [last lines]

    Jim Bryce: She did very well. Agreed, the situation is untidy, but given the unpredictable nature of the assignment, she prosecuted her mandate perfectly. She was measured and surgical, even when the situation was considerably less so. Most importantly, she followed her directives without hesitation. The collateral damage was regrettable, of course. But in this case, unavoidable.

    [body bags being loaded into a hearse]

    Jim Bryce: I think these events make it punishingly clear what I had already predicted. The L-9 was the inferior program.

    [Morgan floating in the water]

    Jim Bryce: Though its emotional development was certainly remarkable, the immediate termination was an unfortunate but clear necessity.

    David Chance: Well, I guess the old dogs hunt the best, sir.

    Jim Bryce: Then it's settled. We stick to what we know. All development assets revert to the L-4 stream.

    Charles Grimes: So what do we do about Lee weathers?

    Jim Bryce: What about her? She's perfect.

  • [first lines]

    Dr. Kathy Grieff: [enters the holding cell] Hi, darling. It's me. I thought we'd have lunch together today. Oh, angel, you look sad. You know, it's a very, very natural thing. It's actually a very human thing to feel sad. But emotions aren't bad.

    Dr. Kathy Grieff: I'm sorry, baby. I'm still trying to get them to change their mind and let you out for a little bit.

    Dr. Kathy Grieff: [Morgan suddenly lunges at her and begins stabbing her] No! Get off! No! Oh, god!