Morality, love and imperfection

Crystel 2022-01-08 08:03:04

One of the highlights of this film is the discussion about people's self-face and mutual confrontation, and through comforting and saving an extremely spiritual animal, it gradually exposes and resolves sensitive contradictions. Horses do not understand human language, so repeated heart-to-heart communication is the only bridge of communication. As for human beings, as the highest creatures on the earth, should their psychological self-face, victory, acceptance, and tolerance be more affirmed and valued. And it is in the frank, brave self-examination and self-consciousness that we can walk out of the gloom and find our position and confidence again.

There is no doubt that "The Horse Whisperer" is one of the classics. There is no loss of tension in peace, infinite affection in gentleness, and the emergence of moral boundaries in the depths of love makes people helpless and can not ignore this invisible constraint. In the end, it is better to treat the protagonist as a choreographer than to say that the lovers return to their own world. Difficult and firm moral choices made at the crossroads of hesitation. In this way, what is poignant and regrettable is the romantic love encounter, and the images of the two main characters give a fuller and more perfect impression. After all, no matter how open the society is, traditional morality is still the value orientation of most people.

Love is the eternal theme of the film. The love presented in this film is multifaceted, the friendship between animals and people, family affection; the friendship between people, family affection, love. Although the derailed love is a key part, it has to be admitted that this is also a true and simple emotion that is deep in people's hearts. Do you still remember how "Covered Bridge Last Dream" touched us in a mess, to live a real and strong life, then there will be no more regrets in this life.

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Extended Reading
  • Suzanne 2022-03-18 09:01:05

    Redford is cool, scarlet johnson is cooler. This movie should be good...I want to consider watching it again.

  • Trevion 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    The procrastinating design makes the plot lengthy. But then again, it's nice to have a horse of your own.

The Horse Whisperer quotes

  • Grace: Why do you always wear that hat?

    Joe Booker: Cuz it fits my head. Wanna try it on?

  • Tom Booker: Do you ever sit still for just a minute?

    Annie: Well, you sit still too long in New York and you get renovated.