A pleasing girl must have these points

Everett 2022-01-08 08:02:46

This is like another version of pride and prejudice.

To be honest, when I first saw Emma was very unpleasant, loves gossip, loves to be matchmaking, wantonly commenting on people around her, speaks mean and arrogant, and extremely self-conscious. However, as the story unfolded, she gradually fell in love with this little Tsundere.

Why is there such a change?

Because these few lights are shining on Emma.

1 Kindness

When Emma went to the shabby room to take care of the patient, the kind of tenderness from the heart made people feel warm.

Looking at Harriet's performance, you know that the environment is bad, and for a lady like Emma, ​​it is undoubtedly dirty. But she didn't care.

She will carefully cover the patient with a blanket, prepare to eat, and take care of the children seriously.

I think anyone who sees Emma like this will be moved.

2 Sincere

Emma is a little self-righteous towards her friend and has been messing around with mandarin ducks, but there is no doubt that she is sincere.

She would listen carefully to Mr. Westons' words from her son, listen to Miss. Bates' illogical words over and over again, and would give positive encouragement again and again when Harriet was down.

Emma is also very good at accepting opinions from others. After venting his emotions to Miss. Bates because of his bad mood, under the signal of Mrs. Westons and Mr. Churchill, he quickly realized his mistake and actively restored it.

As she finally said to Harriet: "I just want you to be happy." The starting point for everything she did was to hope that all her friends around him would be happy.

3 generosity

Perhaps many people think that girls are emotionally caressed, and they do not deny that this is indeed a unique sensitivity of women. But in Emma, ​​this sensitivity is not annoying at all.

After experiencing from secret love to broken love, from friend to enemy, from confidant to lover, Emma generously blessed every relationship.

Emma has a crush on Mr. Churchill, but in the end he secretly gets engaged to Jane. Emma still smiled and congratulated Mr. Weston in her broken love.

A girlfriend and she fell in love with the same man, but Emma was so shocked that she did not confide in her feelings. Although the girlfriend finally broke down in love, Emma still worked hard to restore this friendship, and when she said that she would marry Mr. Martin, whom Emma didn't like, she sincerely expressed her blessings.

When facing Mr. Knightley, although it was a misunderstanding, he also mistakenly thought that his crush was about to marry someone else, and expressed his blessings in person.

Emma's open-mindedness makes her more charming.

4 beautiful

Needless to say, the appearance is always the first impression.

Emma was born noble, young and beautiful. The dressing is extraordinary. It has always been a role played by the stars and the leader of girls.

5 Cultivation

When Emma was traveling in a carriage, although she was chatting with her friends, she still smiled and said hello to every passerby she met. Although she always said: "We are not the same as them." But she can call everyone's name.

At the prom, Emma always worked hard to take care of every friend's mood and listened carefully to every conversation. When she saw that Harriet had no partners, she anxiously hinted that she hoped that her friends would enjoy the party happily.

Emma Qin plays chess, calligraphy and painting. In the banquet, she plays the piano and sings, and leads the dance in the dance group. Who can not praise the versatile?

The study in Emma's home is full of books. I think that only by growing up in such an atmosphere of knowledge can there be such a good woman.

Finally, I highly recommend this film. The beautiful colors like oil paintings make people feel relaxed and happy to watch.

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Extended Reading
  • Wiley 2022-03-27 09:01:14

    Always Pride and Prejudice. vanity working on a weak mind produces every kind of mischief.

  • Arely 2022-04-21 09:02:56

    Emma, ​​played by Gwyneth, is definitely better than Vera, who is an exaggeration to get a statuette.

Emma quotes

  • Mr. Knightley: The truest friend does not doubt... but hope.

  • Miss Bates: Mr. Elton, your sermon on Daniel in the lions' den was so inspiring, so powerful in all its particulars. It left us speechless, quite speechless, I tell you. And we have not stopped talking of it since.