Make one without friends

Viviane 2022-01-07 15:54:45

It is a thriller, and it can definitely be regarded as a thriller.
What I see is a kind of sensitivity, a kind of weakness, a kind of compromise, a kind of fragility, a kind of desire, a kind of madness.
Perhaps this damn constellation likes sentimentality, of course I treat this film as a horror film, perhaps this film does not want to tell me what I got, but I was still deeply moved by the heroine.
Longing for a love, longing for a lover, for the lover to behave like the lover, but in the eyes of that man, she, too strange, she does not understand that love is love, hobby is hobby, she scared that The man, let that man run away, and she really loves him.
When a man left, when a woman said that she would love her forever, she didn't evade, all she believed was the sentence, really love her. But is she too stupid? Or is there no real heart in this world? She didn't get the love she thought was loyal. When she saw that there were other women in the room of the woman who really loved her, she chose to run away.
She is fragile, she is sensitive, she wants to be hurt by others, but she always gets nothing.
Again, of course I see it as a horror movie, don't think I'm talking about a romance movie. As a horror film, I give it "okay", yes, okay, not too bad and nothing to recommend.
People who have seen it may sneer at my feelings, but I still see this character's heart deeply, that soft and scarred heart.

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Extended Reading
  • Macey 2022-03-27 09:01:14

    like she said, kind of far-fetchd

  • Gennaro 2022-04-23 07:03:30

    The scream at the beginning really scared me, but luckily it wasn't as bloody as it is now.

May quotes

  • [while at work, Polly see's May gently stabbing herself on the tip of the finger with a scalpel, and holding it there]

    Polly: Jesus! What are you doing?

    May: [May calmly replies] Relaxing.

    Polly: Doesn't it hurt?

    May: No.

    [May takes Polly's hand and stabs her finger in the same place with the scalpel]

    Polly: Ow! Oh! You crazy bitch! Why did you do that?

    [Polly begins sucking on her finger with light moaning]

    Polly: Mmm. Actually, I kinda liked it. Do me again!

    [May gently stabs her again as Polly holds her eyes and mouth open, taking in the pleasure of the pain]

  • [Adam asks May to have a smoke with him outside the Laundromat, reaching his hand into his shirt pocket to pull out the cigarette pack]

    Adam: Do you want to have a smoke with me?

    [May smiles wide eyed at Adam]

    Adam: [Adam lights May's cigarette] You got to puff.

    [May nervously tries to smoke a cigarette for the first time]

    Adam: [pause]

    Adam: [Adam checks out May's handmade outfit] So, do you make your own clothes?

    May: Yes.

    Adam: That's cool.

    May: Thank you Adam.

    Adam: You're welcome May.

    May: I love your hands, I think that they are beautiful.

    Adam: [Adam looks at his own hand, nodding] I used to be a hand model.

    May: I can see you doing that.

    Adam: I'm kidding May.

    [May blushes and giggles when she finally gets the joke, punching Adam in the shoulder]

    Adam: Whoa!