
Kimberly 2022-01-09 08:02:12

Adam, his mother and his father were a family of talking raccoons who lived in central park in the middle of New York city. They didn't really belong there, but there they were...

moved by Adam.
Nothing to Asperger syndrome The concept, I just think-
Adam who is talking about the big bang theory to the miniature starry sky, Adam who
quietly watches the raccoon in Central Park, Adam who is
in a daze at the entrance of the kindergarten holding a big box,
wearing aerospace obedience and wiping the windows Adam,
who suddenly kissed Beth sideways under the stars,
couldn't distinguish the helpless Adam
who was white lie, took the rose in his arms and looked for Adam who was at Beth's house on a snowy day. Adam who
was anxious but didn't know how to explain the breakup and
became independent in California. Adam
who adapts to the new environment, his smile and tears are so real, his love is so pure and so cute.

Then he couldn't help but look at those pieces over and over again, but he would cry, and found that he was stupid not knowing how to help the neighbor. He who has things like him, he who holds the rose in his arms and braves the heavy snow to find her in a strange place is like me...

Why doesn't he like it? Why do you like it so much? Can't figure it out. I thought I could abandon this problem smartly, but I have been spinning around in the same place for months.

No matter how hard you try, it's all wrong. Why is this happening?

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Extended Reading
  • Webster 2022-03-27 09:01:14

    Did Dancy and Claire Danes secretly have a child with autism? ! How do you play this role in succession?

  • Alden 2022-03-27 09:01:14

    What an innocent child, it hurts. But falling in love with such a person is bound to be hard work. if. words you can live with

Adam quotes

  • [last lines]

    Beth Buchwald: Adam, his mother, and his father were a family of talking raccoons that lived in the middle of New York City. They didn't really belong there, but there they were.

  • Harlan: Liars is all you gonna run across in this world. A man's gotta learn the difference between just plain liars and liars worth lovin'.