That loneliness is so desperate... so painful

Andreanne 2022-01-07 15:54:45

I never wrote film reviews before, but today I suddenly had the urge to say a few words. I wrote it for the first time, and I hope it will be helpful to everyone.
Most people will think that the heroine is abnormal after watching this movie, but I don’t think so. In fact, everyone has more or less psychological barriers, but they are artistic and magnified in the movie, which makes the contradiction sharp. , The story is more exciting.
First of all, I want to talk about the differences between people. Children who grow up in adversity are also cheerful, and children who grow up in good times may also be melancholy. Of course, these have a lot to do with a person’s childhood experience. , But it’s not static. Maybe because of something, maybe because of someone, the prodigal son can turn around to be a good man, and the good girl can transform into a young girl. There are too many examples in reality.
Looking back at the heroine in our movie, MAY had eye problems when she was young and couldn’t make friends. She and her only good friend (that is, her doll) were always separated by a glass box, MAY said, doll listened , She desires to get friendship and love like normal people, not a doll in a box. Long-term loneliness, MAY actually does not know how to contact people, just like the way he chased ADAM, clumsy and at a loss, just like when he praised his colleagues as flirting, just like when ADAM told him to talk disgusting things. , MAY did say something very unpleasant, when MAY and ADAM When I watched a movie together, I think MAY doesn’t think the plot in the movie is abnormal, but sees the true meaning of it ----- I love someone and want to eat him/her (of course not really), behind The passion clip MAY made ADAM disappointed, but the latter part of the film explained that ADAM and MAY are just for fun together, and ADAM's heavy taste is only Ye Gonghaolong. MAY and her friends in the orphanage go to make friends. It is estimated that people with similar experiences in her thoughts may be better able to communicate. With the development of the film, MAY lost love, and then lost friendship (MAY accepts the foundation of her colleagues. Love is just a kind of friend who thinks it is a kind of friend. This can be seen from the different attitudes of May towards colleagues and ADAM. When a colleague is dating a long-legged MM, it is not difficult to understand the jealousy that May shows. Your good friends play with other friends, but don’t care about playing with you. Your thoughts are the same. It’s not possessive, and it has nothing to do with base feelings). The glass box of MAY's doll is screaming, and the loneliness of MAY is screaming. When MAY took his friends to share with the children in the orphanage, the doll was ruined. MAY can be called a friend in the end. There are no more lonely things. In fact, MAY is normal here and there is no danger, but loneliness is already Depressed to a critical value, until the gangster found the cat in the refrigerator and refused to be friends with MAY, MAY broke out, and things went bad. MAY dressed up as her own doll on Halloween, and there was nothing for him. For MAY, if you don’t have a friend, then be a friend, be a friend with many advantages, warm hands, enviable long legs, and beautiful tattoos. . . Wait for what she wants but not! Later, my good friend succeeded, and MAY was very happy. Many friends attracted her. New friends have them. The only drawback is that new friends can’t see themselves, so they can share everything about themselves. MAY is also happy to share with friends. For the pain of loneliness, the pain caused by digging out one's eyes is not worth mentioning! , MAY finally got what she wanted, she was no longer alone.
This movie is actually a rare masterpiece, with a clear rhythm and a very thought-provoking story. Angela Betis's performance is very good and the soundtrack is also very good. I'm sorry everyone is that this text has a serious spoiler. Please correct me if it says something wrong.
Personally, I think the director’s meaning in shooting this film is actually that for people in reality, what they need is the courage and perseverance to overcome themselves, not just giving up passively without expertise. This will only make Things are going in a worse direction. Instead of letting other people or things save or change oneself and passively accept it, it is better to believe in yourself, try to change yourself, and be a strong person with physical and mental health!

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Extended Reading
  • Elsie 2022-04-23 07:03:30

    "If you can't make friends, then make one yourself."...poor and beautiful little fresh horror film, no bloody scenes, no shocking scenes, but the small details and atmosphere are well rendered, and the ending is also very good Thumbs up!

  • Keely 2022-03-25 09:01:15

    6/10. The heroine also played the witch Carrie, which suits her so well! This is the same narrative as Carrie the Witch, men and women are sluts, suppressed until they explode. Finally finished the stitched corpse with his own eyes, like some kind of cult performance art. She is actually afraid of being alone.

May quotes

  • [while at work, Polly see's May gently stabbing herself on the tip of the finger with a scalpel, and holding it there]

    Polly: Jesus! What are you doing?

    May: [May calmly replies] Relaxing.

    Polly: Doesn't it hurt?

    May: No.

    [May takes Polly's hand and stabs her finger in the same place with the scalpel]

    Polly: Ow! Oh! You crazy bitch! Why did you do that?

    [Polly begins sucking on her finger with light moaning]

    Polly: Mmm. Actually, I kinda liked it. Do me again!

    [May gently stabs her again as Polly holds her eyes and mouth open, taking in the pleasure of the pain]

  • [Adam asks May to have a smoke with him outside the Laundromat, reaching his hand into his shirt pocket to pull out the cigarette pack]

    Adam: Do you want to have a smoke with me?

    [May smiles wide eyed at Adam]

    Adam: [Adam lights May's cigarette] You got to puff.

    [May nervously tries to smoke a cigarette for the first time]

    Adam: [pause]

    Adam: [Adam checks out May's handmade outfit] So, do you make your own clothes?

    May: Yes.

    Adam: That's cool.

    May: Thank you Adam.

    Adam: You're welcome May.

    May: I love your hands, I think that they are beautiful.

    Adam: [Adam looks at his own hand, nodding] I used to be a hand model.

    May: I can see you doing that.

    Adam: I'm kidding May.

    [May blushes and giggles when she finally gets the joke, punching Adam in the shoulder]

    Adam: Whoa!