Triple killing, four interpretations and reflexive viewing

Verda 2022-01-11 08:01:40


This is a dream movie, but it may be worse than the worst dream.
If there were mature film critics in China, this work that was hard to come across in a career would now have hundreds of thousands of words long. And I actually have a lot of things at the end of the year, so I can only do the most scribbled portrayal.

The "Deduction of Murder", a "non-fiction movie", has an amazing complexity. This complexity stems from the grand talk and show off of murders by murderers who committed slaughter crimes in the past, when audiences acquiesce as modern and civilized. He even offered to replay the role of the year and demonstrate the slaughter again. Not only that, the murderers continued their rule in the local area, and the descendants of the victims still accepted their "slaughter."
This kind of content makes the audience fall into the dilemma of "unable to imagine it as real, let alone fictitious". The boundary between reality (record) and fiction (story) is eroded by shock and incomprehension, and the audience's general experience of the film is not enough. Respond to the challenges of the film.
What’s more deadly is that the military government that carried out the massacre was under the direct assistance of the Western government. The killers belonged to the victors of the two cold war camps (the camp to which most spectators identified themselves), and this victory Continue to this day.
The film did not stop there. The murderer played the role of the murderer and then played the victim, and finally became his own audience. In reflexive viewing, he experienced the horror that he had never felt when killing people. The complex feelings (unbelievable hypocrisy, sympathy, joy of justice, and compassion) formed by the audience's viewing of him and the retching reaction of him after viewing it are also difficult to simplify.

The film can be seen as an interspersion of triple killings and four types of "film-in-film". But whether it is the director's intention or the murderer's passion for filming plays a decisive role in the appearance of the final "film-in-film", it is worth exploring.

Triple killings are: 1. Past slaughter (1965), 2. Demonstration of how to kill people in the killing place-in the film, killing and being killed, 3. Crimes against the people that continue to this day.
The four types/sub-genres are: musicals, spy movies (ideological and political propaganda movies), crime movies, and western movies.

"Go to the killing place to demonstrate how to kill people-the performance of killing and being killed in the film" is the most spectacular and astonishing one, combined with crime films (American movies that Anwar likes to emphasize, their identity as movie theater gangsters). The last reflexive viewing.
The victim put a medal on the killer and thanked the killer for sending him to heaven. The song and dance film appeared at the beginning and near the end. It seems the most absurd, but it is the greatest truth. History is written by the victor, and the victory has not been tried. The person has the right to place the deceased in any position.
Bandit spy films (ideological and political propaganda films) and western films show how murderers use the power of fiction to construct their behavior as reasonable and legal and make themselves feel at ease.

The complexity of the film is far more than that. The three main performances of the murderer's ideas are quite different. One of them is deeply thoughtful and extremely sober, which almost speaks for the logic of the entire winner.

It can only be mentioned just in case, it is a supplementary note.

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Extended Reading
  • Reed 2022-03-28 09:01:08

    In essence, I think it is very similar to "The Grizzly Man", there are two languages ​​scrambling to explain behind the same image. Of course, the director, as the structure of the whole film, has a stronger interpretation, but many times he will also get out of the director's control. Words: A rogue is a free man. So I believe that images have an ontological power beyond symbols.

  • Ruth 2022-03-20 09:02:20

    Ask the wicked to tell their own evil, but there are still limitations; you can see Li Kui, but you can't see Song Jiang. The wicked man who still talks about Cain and Abel, he must have much more knowledge about evil than Congo, and he is a more worthy object of investigation. But what else can the good people ask for? The second-class wicked person is willing to show his face and proudly admit that he has hurt you.

The Act of Killing quotes

  • Adi Zulkadry - Fellow Executioner in 1965: We crushed their necks with wood. We hung them. We strangled them with wire. We cut off their heads. We ran them over with cars. We were allowed to do it. And, the proof is we murdered people and were never punished. The people we killed, there's nothing to be done about it. They have to accept it. Maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better, but it works: I've never felt guilty, never been depressed, never had nightmares.

  • Anwar Congo: Did the people I tortured feel the way I do here? I can feel what the people I tortured felt. Because here my dignity has been destroyed, and then fear come, right there and then. All the terror suddenly possessed my body. It surrounded me, and possessed me.

    Joshua Oppenheimer: Actually, the people you tortured felt far worse, because you knew it's only a film. They knew they were being killed.

    Anwar Congo: But I can feel it, Josh. Really, I feel it. Or have I sinned. I did this to so many people, Josh. Is it all coming back to me? I really hope it won't. I don't want it to, Josh.