Full spoilers

Eileen 2022-01-11 08:02:00

The heroine's father and grandmother are serious alcoholics, her mother died in an accident, her younger brother is gay, and is not accepted by the hostess and her family’s religious beliefs. The hostess wants to escape from this family...make up a lie that her father sexually assaulted herself, the police and the media Judging from my own subjective judgment, the fact is the story fabricated by the heroine, but the truth was later discovered, but the heroine refused to admit and continued to fabricate lies. The entire media and the residents of the small town were blinded by collective hypocrisy. Father My brother and my grandmother understood, and the police understood, but the father did not fulfill his father’s responsibility for drunkening. He voluntarily assumed the charge of raping his daughter. I hope that in the future the daughter will understand that his father was in jail to protect himself..... ...

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Extended Reading
  • Jake 2022-03-21 09:02:44

    How long will this stubborn policeman's routine be played? ?

  • Dawn 2022-04-21 09:03:01

    For the male god, give Samsung! This story, it will be better if the ending is not reversed... Because of this reversal, watching it is equivalent to watching it in vain... 囧!

Regression quotes

  • Bruce Kenner: Next time you hear the voice of God, don't call us.

  • Title Card: Starting in 1980, accounts began to surface of satanic rituals being practiced in the U.S. Panic and suspicion spread across many communities. This film is inspired by real events.