Only by understanding what power is, can we understand the game of power

Natalie 2022-01-09 08:03:03

Only by understanding what power is, can we understand the game of power.

1. The mercenary's answer
first quoted a passage from the eunuch to the little devil:
Three prominent men were sitting in a room, one was a king, one was a monk, and the last was a rich man. There is a mercenary standing among them. Every prominent person ordered him to kill the other two. The king said:'I am your legal king, and I order you to kill them. 'The monk said:'In the name of the heavenly gods, I ask you to kill them. 'The rich man said:'Kill them, all my gold and silver jewelry will be given to you. 'Please tell me-who will die and who will live?

The mercenary thought about the king's words like this: Outside the room you are the king, and inside the room I am the one who decides your life and death.

The mercenary thought about the monk's words like this: In the room, the gods are condensed on my sword, not in your mouth.

The mercenary thinks about the rich man like this: out of the room, your promise will become my nightmare.

If you were a mercenary, what step would you take?

2. The thinking of the owner of the bento shop (the order is random, the real collar and the false collar are not within the scope of discussion) The reason why the
owner of Winterfell Castle
receives the bento: Regarding King's Landing as Winterfell City to rule, he only cares about justice, loyalty, and his own children
Ned is a knight, and a knight is a brave man. The gods give the knight the title of bravery, just to make you rush to the front and use it as cannon fodder.

Xuenuo is a copy of Ned, and he is pleased for the people of the world, but he is not so fast as Ned's early days. So I did something.
It can be said that Jiao is always thinking about the safety of the night watchman and the people of the world, but his brother of the night watchman has inserted knives into Jiao's body everywhere. Why?
Because for the night watchman, the savages are the most important enemy in the peaceful era. In order to not know what level of danger is the alien threat, let the savages come in, forget how much hatred, and allocate limited survival resources to them, You are the enemy of our generation, and you are the robber who plunders our survival resources. What we face against enemies and robbers can only be swords and swords in our hands.

Caitlin Tully Stark Turnip Stark (the two get a lunch, so we analyze together)
Old man: There is a knife on the head of sex, love is your love, you gave up my promise for love , Ruined Lao Tzu's dream of being the head of the country. I can only destroy your love. You are a king. The only way to destroy your love is to let you lose the war. The only effective way is to kill the head of the war first.
Skinning leader: I followed you desperately. I originally wanted you to get some territory after your victory. Unexpectedly, you little wolf pup, short-sighted, just want to be the lord of Winterfell, I gambled my life to lose and bankrupt my family, and I won't get anything. No matter how you do this business, you lose money. It's still a good deal to put pressure on the lion's house, only to kill you.
The young wolf master, got the true story of Ned's dream, he was a corner, loyal to Robert Boss, and caring for his family, but in this troubled world, he did not have the ability to realize his dream.

Robert Baratheon
is a knight again, and he also became a king.
Fatty Lao thought that the war would be over if the country was defeated. The fact is, from the beginning of becoming a king, your enemies will immediately turn from the light to the dark. I often come to the dark arrow, and I will finish it sooner or later.

Tywin Lannister
Old Tywin is the most mature player in the game. He was originally in his hands but died on the toilet.
The reason for receiving the lunch is that he hopes that the lion family will last forever, but he has misunderstood the heir. The king killer is just a group of horses and does not have the heart of a king. (A good journey, no king can be achieved)
And he has been the son of a dog, but he has small fangs like a lion.

The owner of the bento shop concluded: The game of power is not affected by anyone's will. It has established rules. If you violate it, you will be given a bento.

Three, summary
Game of Thrones
Anyone's game is your own independent game, everyone else is your pawn, and you are other pawns at the same time.
If you do it right, you will score, if you do it wrong, you will lose your points. If you do it right, you will game over and you will get it. Even if you have 99 points in your hand, don't be proud, if you take a wrong step, 100 points may be deducted. It's silly.

In the game, the two most important factors are the environment and one's own ability and decision-making.
Environmental factors:
1. Popularity. How many chess pieces can be used by you. If you think justice and kindness can be eaten as a meal, you are too naive. If you want a politician, just choose a model worker.
2. Military. Power comes from the barrel of the gun, your own force, the force you can use around you, and how many troops can be on your side or on the same side.
3. Intelligence. It does not only refer to information about wars, but all information, such as the real thoughts of people around them, their strengths and weaknesses. Without intelligence, he is blind.
4. Resource wealth and others.
The economic foundation determines the superstructure, and in many cases it is also the condition that drives the chess pieces for my use. Here, the country is unstable, and everyone's personal safety is not protected by law, so the power of money is not so great. Other resources can often determine the outcome, such as the beauty of Long Ma.

Own ability and decision-making
1, insight into environmental factors. No explanation
2, force. You don’t necessarily know how to martial arts or fight. It is also possible that a cold arrow can play a decisive role.
3. Beauty. No explanation.
4. Work hard. It's impossible for Fat Robert to fall like this.
Decision-making, based on environmental factors, cultivate resources, cultivate chess pieces, and continue to play. Only death is the end.

Fourth, extend and think about
the definition of love.
I love you, not a great emotion. I love you, but I actually need you. You need your money, your development prospects, your body, and your ability to pass on from generation to generation. You talk to me. You are an excellent life partner, and your spiritual world blends well with me. And great emotions are just a kind of packaging.

The definition of honor
I give you honor because you gave me what I needed. For example, you helped me fight the war, cut off the head of the opposing coach, took down a city, or even a beautiful duel.

Why is 囧 the most popular?
People will worship Guan Yu, but they will not worship Genghis Khan, Li Shimin, and the
family of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty . They are all carved by Guan Yu.
Ned and the young wolf master failed to accumulate such popularity. In fact, it is because of their mighty side that they failed to get enough shots. description.
The embarrassing one is Guan Yu, and it's a little fresh meat!

Fifth, in the end,
if power can only choose the same, then power is the human heart, and the human heart is the current and future needs of human nature.
Don't be obsessed with any protagonists, looking forward to the sixth season.

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Extended Reading
  • Hope 2022-04-24 07:01:17

    Score "Battle of the Bastards". Those who make up the right to be nonsense

  • Javonte 2022-03-23 09:02:46

    The rose line blows up, blows up the hell of good job, why aren't the writers together?

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