Tolerate for two hours, for the last three shots

Benjamin 2022-01-09 08:01:07

I admit that of all the popcorn movies, my favorite is the western, not to mention this is not popcorn. Compared with the various electric sparks of science fiction and magic, the pouring of bullets from war police and bandits, and the magnificent moves of martial arts costumes, the classic battles of western films are always only two people standing, drawing guns and shooting, and one person falls to the ground, simply and neatly. God created mankind, and Colt made mankind equal. The older the westerns, the more bullets they can save. At that time, the director and screenwriter would not use special effects to please the audience without a lower limit. Therefore, the whole film was often brewing emotions for 89 minutes and could not bear it. It was only at the last minute that he made up his mind. The gun fired in anger, happily enmity, and drifted away. Unlike the current popcorn routine, let the protagonist fight a small fight to show their strength, and then let the villain make a big fight to suppress the protagonist, the protagonist seeks the superior, obtains the killer, the final battle, defeats the evil, 90 minutes, the audience 3 times Orgasm, a big orgasm, with only 3 minutes of rest in the middle of each time, gag and ambiguousness to soothe the emotions, this is very indulgence, very unhealthy, okay? What’s more unethical is that now there are actually two hours of ping-pong-pong playing that the villain kills the protagonist and waits for the sequel to come again. The audience will watch the two-hour EDM trailer for nothing. Please, I’m not just watching EDM. Okay? At that time, the life of group acting was still more valuable. It took at least a few minutes to kill a group acting. It would also explain the identity and give an expression. Unlike nowadays, group acting is like a bunch of rabbits. Screaming nothing.

Although there is no stipulation that a film can refresh the audience several times is the best choice, this film is really for the last minute to suppress the audience for a long time. We know that the male protagonist is a master, he can solve all the villains as soon as he raises his hand, but he just doesn't do it. The bar fights with his fists for a full 10 minutes, and the audience is saying in their hearts to shoot, damn, there are no guns. belt. We also know that the male lead and the female lead are ambiguous, but they just endured it, for the sake of family, morality and dignity. What will happen to the current Hollywood screenwriter, the hero first teaches the roadside thief to try his skills, and then wins the villain with the farmer. The villain finds a master to teach the farmer to kill the second man, and the hero fights the villain to take the boat and embrace the beauty. Yes, the male second must die, so that the plot of the male lead will be cool for the audience.

Why is the drama of Twister so great? Because it's real. The villain is not a natural bad guy. He is an early pioneer. He is accustomed to that. He survived vigorously by fighting. He represents the barbaric era and the backward productivity. Yes, backward productivity. The land has been The government gave it to the farmers. This was done in the Lincoln era. The second man also mentioned that the cattle grazing are not as good as the captives. The cowboys drove away the Indians, and the farmers drove away the cowboys. Who will replace the farmers? Uncle Wolf 3 gave the answer, big capitalists and genetically modified crops, maybe there will be genetically modified livestock in the future. There are many westerns where the cattle grazing are square, and the big landlord who eats the land is the villain. Justice does not lie in the way you are there but in the way you act. Great works will reflect the changes of the times, at least try to do so. Cowboys don't just shoot their guns casually. Shooting guns on both sides is a duel, while shooting guns on the other is murder. Why does the tavern fight take so long with fists? Because it is a rule, people can be killed by guns, but they are not respected. The West is wild, but it's not just about drawing a gun, because drawing a gun is like allin in gambling. Although it is very exciting, if you allin every time, even if you are a master, as long as you lose once, it is completely over. This is also the meaning of the existence of fists. Most gambling is small betting. Allin wants to talk about chance, so even the villain wants to abide by the law at the beginning. Why don’t the protagonist and the protagonist be together? Because it was an era of machismo, men should let go of their children’s affair for the sake of justice and friendship. The so-called love at that time was called children’s affair. Moreover, although the protagonist liked the male protagonist, she The life I like is the life of settlement and civilization without guns. In Western films, the male protagonist rebukes killing or being killed, and the female protagonist, if there is a female protagonist, generally represents survival, civilization and development. Although they love each other, they are incompatible, so the male protagonist generally chooses to leave at the end, if it is free So both can be thrown. Seven Dragons, Ubrina and McCree both chose to leave, only boy stayed, because the male protagonist represents freedom.

People are so cheap and depressed for a long time. The effect of three bullets is better than 3,000 bullets plus three tons of bombs. But nowadays movies are rarely played like this. After all, it is too difficult and easy to play, or the props are cheap.

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Extended Reading
  • Karley 2022-04-21 09:02:54

    The cowboy image in classic Hollywood westerns also underwent some subtle changes in the 1950s. The previous happy ending has been rewritten to a certain extent. Although it still ends with the victory of the cowboy, the tone seems to be more nihilistic and profound. The lone hero did not win the return of the beauty, but like a stranger after punishing evil and promoting good The town quietly left, as if none of this had ever happened. The film effectively responds to a certain social and cultural trend of thought in the 1950s in the United States.

  • Alphonso 2022-04-22 07:01:42

    1. How hardworking and brave the American people have been. 2. A bad person who wants to be a good person is always cute, and a good person who wants to be a bad person is always hateful. 3. The hostess was very impressed by the son's words: one day he will leave, if you like him too much, you will be sad.

Shane quotes

  • [first lines]

    Joey: Somebody's comin', Pa!

    Joe Starrett: Well, let him come.

  • Shane: You were watchin' me down it for quite a spell, weren't you?

    Joey: Yes I was.

    Shane: You know, I... I like a man who watches things go on around. It means he'll make his mark someday.