Fireworks-the extreme of life's desire to die

Rosella 2021-12-30 17:17:15

This is a never ending show
contains all the absurd and crazy
like a child full of sadness
quietly sleeping in the earth
now I am a little tired
tired like a broken by wind wildflowers
so I began to change
to become like a Rolling hot fireworks,
watching the laughing and proud crowd in front of them,
surging waves in their hearts,
dancing slutty dance, walking through the wilderness,
feeling wild and broken glory,
now I am a little drunk and
drunk like a wild pigeon that can’t find a direction
So I started to change and
became like a violent fireworks,
blue dreams, sleeping in a quietly passing car,
beautiful children lost in the road,
this is an eternal and beautiful life
without tears, no sorrow, and
now I am a little tired
Tired like a wild flower broken by the wind,
so I started to change and
became like a rolling fiery firework.
Now I'm a little drunk and
drunk like a wild pigeon
that can't find a direction, so I started to change and
become like a Tuan fierce and hot fireworks

last night watched "Huahuo" directed and performed by Takeshi Kitano. The words on it are the lyrics of "Huahuo" sung by Wang Feng. The mood of the movie is the same.
This is a performance without ending,
containing all the absurdity and craziness
, full of sadness like a child

The story of two men quietly sleeping on the ground , but one man,
Sikakin is a policeman. A few years ago, his young son died and his wife suffered from leukemia. He thought it was God’s treatment to him. punishment that killed colleague he considered to be his reason, and finally unbearable mental and life pressure he robbed the bank, and accompanied by his wife together fled, and has been funded with Horibe painting
Horibe, Western colleagues, was one of his The two had been tracking down the habitual offenders for a long time. They were seriously injured and had to be in a wheelchair. After being injured, they were abandoned by their wives and daughters and lived alone at the beach. The paralyzed Horibu regained his childhood ideals and used paintbrushes to draw colorful pictures. The colorful and intense colors, weird and abstract graphics are everywhere: homes, hospitals, police stations, and even the lair of the underworld.
Xi’s resolute embrace of death, wild and extreme violence, and his gentleness and consideration for his wife formed a huge contrast. The most touching scenes in the play are Xi’s fleeing by the sea and his dying wife setting fireworks. Fishing with her, playing poker with his wife in the car... This makes me understand that his cold and neat killing is just an extreme catharsis of his desire to live happily in the world, which is full of warmth and love,
but the same is true. With the help of Nishi, Horibe, who has been disappointed in the world, found hope of rebirth in the petals of sunflowers in the little map paintings, and
only later discovered that Nishiwa Horibe is actually a person, one who is eager to survive. People who yearn for love, they all have their own misfortunes, but as the doctor said when he told Xi about his wife’s illness, this disease can’t be saved by scientific medicine. Some wounds can’t be healed if they open. Maybe Xi resolutely begged for death because he saw Horibe’s hope, it was himself.

Contradiction is the best expression of harmony and eternity.
This movie is full of contradictions. Just like Xi’s psychology, he strives to survive but resolutely steps forward. To destroy; the peaceful life with his wife is accompanied by tragic bloody events; the beautiful Japanese rivers and mountains are full of murderous and violent scenes; the vast and majestic sea, it is the lonely wheelchair Horibe who appreciates him; Life is eternal but peaceful, and death is fierce but short... Everything is so clear and simple-Kitano always draws a line from

tediousness, the appearance of children
Children are innocent. They always symbolize beauty and tranquility. When Xi and his wife were traveling and fleeing, he met a grandfather and his grandson in the temple. The grandfather told his grandson that if you ring the big bell, you will make a bang sound, but you Too young to ring, Xi and his wife ring the bell secretly to make the children happy; at the end of the film, Xi and his wife are at the beach, and Xi helps a little girl fly a kite. Although the kite is broken, Xi still pulls tightly, and the little girl laughs. It is as brilliant as a sunflower. It looks like a family of three is on vacation. It is full of fun, but happiness is like fireworks, fleeting... After

watching the film, there are a lot of interesting details if you carefully examine it, because Kitano Takeshi is The master of playing with image symbols, each shot has its own special purpose, and each prop is given a symbolic meaning. This film will not give people a visual pleasure, even the murder scene is too simple and neat, and it will not It makes you cry, moving your nose and tears, but he will always make you think of and think about it, life is like fireworks, fleeting, what have you got?

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Extended Reading
  • Jaime 2022-03-28 09:01:08

    Violence reveals literature and art, this is Kitano Takeshi. The soundtrack and the sound of gunfire, set off this tragic color, infinite aftertaste~

  • Taya 2022-03-26 09:01:11

    My brother Wu in society, there are not many cruel words! It's a wolf! This movie is more difficult to talk than to do. It was not until the 31st minute that Takeshi Kitano officially said the first line. I seriously doubt whether Takeshi Kitano took advantage of the convenience of directing and acting so that he didn't have to memorize the lines, haha. The facial paralysis caused by the car accident in 1994 made him only have one eye to blink. It is quite suitable to play such a "killer without blinking" role, which gives the character an extra unique temperament. All the paintings in the film are by Takeshi Kitano, especially those paintings with blossoming heads that are particularly eye-catching. I have seen Takeshi Kitano's art exhibition at the Power Station of Art in Shanghai, and it is these paintings that I like very much. Beating up people is also neat and tidy, and it really blossoms in both style and style. The movie's transition editing is also excellent, making the use of various imagery just right, and the effect of eating it together with Hisaishi's poignant music is excellent. Takeshi Kitano is a very romantic person in his bones. The humor and warmth that are full of personal temperament in the movie are very touching. In the end, the picture of each other on the beach is picturesque, ending with two gunshots, and the macho burst into tears!

Fireworks quotes

  • Miyuki, Nishi's wife: Thank you - thank you for everything.

  • Yoshitaka Nishi: I told you I'd kill you next time.